Loyola University New Orleans follows academic regulations and policies that adhere to principles of good educational practice. The following regulations apply to both undergraduate and graduate students, whether enrolled in on-campus or online programs. (Students in the College of Law are governed by regulations itemized in the Law Bulletin.) These academic regulations and policies are grouped by topic in the following sections:
- Academic Credit & Placement
- Academic Honesty & Plagiarism
- Admissions - Graduate
- Admissions - Undergraduate
- Enrollment & Registration
- Financial Aid
- Financial Regulations, Tuition & Fees
- Grades & Grade Point Averages
- Graduation
- Privacy, Student Records, & Student Rights
- Support Services & Facilities
If you have any questions, please contact the Office of the Registrar at registrar@loyno.edu. University course descriptions can be found in the Course Catalog.
Academic Credit & Placement
These regulations govern academic credit received through Advance Placement or examination, academic credit transferred to Loyola from another institution, or student placement in courses through exam scores. Topics covered:
- Credit by Examination
- Placement Exercises
- Transfer of Academic Credit – Undergraduate
- Transfer of Academic Credit – Graduate
Academic Honesty & Plagiarism
These regulations make up the Academic Honor Code for undergraduate and graduate students at Loyola. This includes definitions of academic dishonesty such as plagiarism, and the processes determining findings of academic dishonesty and governing appeals. Includes the following topics:
- Supersession of Previous Policies
- Academic Honor Pledge
- Academic Honor Code
- Processing an Alleged Violation
- Appeals Procedures
- Potential Consequences
Admissions | Graduate
The policies and requirements described on the Graduate Admissions page relate to Graduate admissions only. Admissions policies and requirements for specific Graduate programs can be found in the Graduate Bulletin and the policies and requirements for College of Law programs can be found in the Law Bulletin.
Topics covered in the Graduate section include:
- Admissions Policy
- Applicant Categories & Classifications
- Application Deadlines
- Application Requirements
- Admission Types
- Enrollment Requirements
- Specific Graduate Program Admission Requirements
Admissions | Undergraduate
The policies and requirements described on the Undergraduate Admissions page relate to undergraduate admissions only.
Topics covered in the Undergraduate section include:
- Admissions Policy
- Applicant Categories & Classifications
- Application Deadlines
- Application Requirements
- Admission Types
- Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment & Registration
These regulations govern types of enrollment at Loyola beyond the admissions process. This includes procedures for initiating actions such as (but not limited to) auditing a course, changing majors, applying for a double major, or filing for a leave of absence or medical withdrawal. Veterans certification and military service (active duty) processes can be found in this section. Additionally, these regulations describe processes involving classroom discipline and academic dismissal from the university. The following topics are covered:
- Academic Advising
- Academic Enrollment Status
- Auditing a Course
- Classification
- Classroom Discipline
- Consortium Enrollments
- Credential Definitions & Policies
- Credit Hour Certification - All Students
- Credit Hour Policy
- Cross Enrollments
- Course Delivery Modes
- Drop/Add Period
- Dual Enrollment
- Early Law School Admission
- Enrollment at Other Universities
- Graduate Courses Taken by Undergraduates
- Independent Study Requests
- Instruction Delivery
- Leave of Absence/Intent to Re-Enroll
- Medical Withdrawal from the University
- Military Service Policy (Active Duty)
- Overload Policy
- Program Delivery Types
- Repetition of Courses
- Residency - Undergraduate
- Residency - Graduate
- Veteran's Certification
- Withdrawal from a Course
- Withdrawal from University
Financial Aid
The Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid provides information for and administers all aid programs on campus. Application portals, eligibility criteria, information on types of aid, forms and frequently asked questions can be found on the office website.
- Eligibility
- Satisfactory Academic Progress
- Scholarships
Financial Regulations, Tuition, & Fees
All regular students are assessed tuition and fees on a semester basis.
Grades & Grade Point Averages
Grading regulations cover Loyola’s grading policy, including grade-point-average (GPA) calculations used to determine both distinctions to recognize excellence and penalties for students who do not maintain appropriate grades. Grade appeals and academic grievance procedures can be found in this section. The following topics are covered:
- Academic Actions – UG
- Academic Actions – GR
- Academic Amnesty
- Academic Career
- Academic Forgiveness
- Academic Grievance Procedure
- Attendance
- Change of Grade
- Dean’s List
- Grade Appeals
- Grade Point Average
- Grade Reports
- Grading – UG
- Grading – GR
- Incomplete Grade Request
- In Progress (IP) Grade Policy
Loyola policies involving eligibility for graduation for undergraduate and graduate students are covered in this section:
- Commencement
- Diplomas
- Eligibility for Graduation - Undergraduates
- Eligibility for Graduation - Graduates
- Graduation
- Graduation Distinctions
- Posthumous Degrees
Privacy, Student Records & Student Rights
Loyola regulations and practices to ensure information security and accuracy of student academic records. Topics covered in this section include:
- Email Address Policy
- FERPA – Family Education Rights & Privacy Act
- Intellectual Property Rights
- Knowledge of Regulations
- Loyola Online Records Access (LORA) System
- Policy on Non-Discrimination
- Preferred Name Policy
- Release of Information
- Release of Information - Deceased Students
- Records Retention Policy
- Security of Student Records
- Student Complaints
- Transcripts
Support Services & Facilities
The University Bulletin serves as an annual record of academic program requirements and regulations. Beyond that specific academic regulatory scope are the support services, facilities, and regulations that encompass all the other aspects of life in a university community.
Additional regulatory scope for student and university community life is maintained through several of the offices listed below. The following directory is presented to provide a connection to those resources.
- Equity and Inclusion
- Information Technology
- International Education & Study Abroad
- Mission & Identity
- Monroe Library
- Online Learning Team
- Online Success
- Pan-American Life Student Success Center
- Public Safety & University Police
- Reserve Officer Training Corp (ROTC)
- Service Learning
- Student Affairs
- Upward Bound
- Women’s Resource Center