These regulations govern types of enrollment at Loyola University New Orleans beyond the admissions process. This includes procedures for initiating actions such as (but not limited to) auditing a course, changing majors, applying for a double major, or filing for a leave of absence or medical withdrawal. Veterans certification and military service (active duty) processes can be found in this section. Additionally, these regulations describe processes involving classroom discipline and academic dismissal from the university. University course descriptions can be viewed in the Course Catalog.
- Academic Advising
- Academic Enrollment Status
- Auditing a Course
- Classification
- Classroom Discipline
- Consortium Enrollments
- Credential Definitions & Policies
- Credit Hour Certification - All Students
- Credit Hour Policy
- Cross Enrollments
- Course Delivery Modes
- Drop/Add Period
- Dual Enrollment
- Early Law School Admission
- Enrollment at Other Universities
- Graduate Courses Taken by Undergraduates
- Independent Study Requests
- Instruction Delivery
- Leave of Absence/Intent to Re-Enroll
- Medical Withdrawal from the University
- Military Service Policy (Active Duty)
- Overload Policy
- Program Delivery Types
- Repetition of Courses
- Residency - Undergraduate
- Residency - Graduate
- Veteran's Certification
- Withdrawal from a Course
- Withdrawal from University
If you do not find what you are looking for, please return to the Regulations Directory. If you have any questions, please contact the Office of the Registrar at
Academic Advising
Students should be aware that knowledge of and adherence to regulations of Loyola, both academic and otherwise, are the ultimate responsibility of the student.
Loyola University maintains a number of resources to support a holistic approach to academic advising, and this includes faculty advisers and professional academic counselors. Advisers are available to students throughout the academic year, but their role is especially important during the orientation and registration periods. Students often work with their Advisers to select their academic program, navigate potential academic concerns, and assist in the sequencing of their coursework.
All students are assigned an academic adviser. Faculty members are usually assigned to advise students who have indicated an interest in their particular field of specialization. Students may obtain the names of their assigned faculty advisers from Loyola’s Online Records Access (LORA).
Academic Enrollment Status
Note: Financial Aid enrollment status may be different. Please check with your financial aid counselor.
Full-Time - Undergraduate Student
Any undergraduate student enrolled in 12 or more credit hours.
Full-Time - Graduate Student
Any graduate student enrolled for 6 or more credit hours.
Full-Time - Summer Session
Any student enrolled for 6 or more credit hours in any given Summer session. Any student not enrolled full-time is considered part-time.
Online Programs
Online students take courses across two distinct sessions during the Fall and Spring semesters. An online student is considered full-time if their total credit hour enrollment across both the first and second session of a given semester meets the above criteria.
(Update for clarification May 23, 2024)
Auditing a Course
Students who do not want to earn university credit for a course may elect to audit the course. Such courses are considered part of the student's term course load and are recorded on the transcript.
- Regular tuition and fees apply for audited courses.
- You should inform your instructor that you are auditing the class. The instructor of the course will advise the student what is expected as an auditor in the class.
- A course previously audited may be taken for credit by enrolling in the course in a subsequent term.
- A student may change from audit to credit or from credit to audit before the last day to add classes as indicated in the academic calendar for the term.
- Upon completion of the semester, the audited course will receive a final grade of (AU) Audit, (AI) Audit Incomplete, or (FA) Failed Audit.
Undergraduate degree seeking students are classified as follows:
- Freshmen: 0 – 24 total earned hours
- Sophomores: 25 – 55 total earned hours
- Juniors: 56 – 89 total earned hours
- Seniors: 90 or more total earned hours
Initial classifications are determined by the Office of Admissions based upon the credentials and application submitted by the student. Classifications may be changed in a student’s first term by the Office of Admissions up to November 1 in the fall semester, March 1 in the spring semester, and two weeks after the summer session registration.
Graduate degree seeking students are officially admitted to a specific program and are classified as follows:
- Graduate Student: any hours in a Graduate program
- Doctoral Student: any hours in a Doctoral program
Non-Degree Seeking students are admitted with official credentials but do not wish to pursue a particular degree program. Students admitted as non-degree-seeking must enroll in consecutive terms or apply for a leave of absence in order to maintain their status. Failure to follow these procedures will require an application for readmission. Coursework taken while a non-degree-seeking student is subject to evaluation in terms of applicability toward a degree.
Visiting/Transient students are admitted for one semester. If they wish to continue their enrollment, those who enroll as transient students must apply for admission as non-degree-seeking students or as degree-seeking students by submitting official credentials. Transient students are not eligible to early register. Coursework taken while a transient student is subject to evaluation in terms of applicability to a degree.
Classroom Discipline
In the classroom, a student does not have the right to engage in conduct which is disruptive to the educational process. Please review the Student Code of Conduct in the Student Handbook for details.
Online & Off-site Programs
The online learning environment and all extension sites (including practicum and internship sites) are considered a “classroom”. All students, whether enrolled on-campus or online, participating in practicums or internships, or taking courses at an extension site are expected to abide by this policy and not engage in behavior which is disruptive to the educational process, regardless of the mode of course delivery.
Consortium Enrollments
Graduate Programs
The College of Business MBA programs are part of the Jesuit MBA consortium.
Undergraduate Programs
Courses taken at another university follow the host university's class schedule and regulations. Students planning to graduate at a home institution other than Loyola should be aware that Loyola's examination period may be later than the home institution graduation date, and Loyola grades may not be submitted to the home institution by the deadline.
Loyola has a consortium arrangement in place with four universities: Tulane University, Dillard University, Xavier University of Louisiana, and Notre Dame Seminary of New Orleans. This arrangement allows undergraduate students at any one of the universities to take courses at each of the other three institutions on a space available basis. The intent is for students to have access to a wider variety of coursework. Cross-registration opportunities are contingent upon availability and capacity in courses for students at their home institution.
To participate in the aforementioned consortium, students must be full-time students and must be enrolled at their home institution for a minimum of nine hours. The maximum number of credit hours students may enroll per semester through the consortium is eight (8) hours if lecture courses require a lab; otherwise the maximum approved hours is six (6) hours. Students pay full-time tuition to their home institution to be eligible to cross-enroll. Payment for all courses is calculated at home institution rates and is remitted to the home institution, however, any course lab fees or fines must be remitted to the host institution prior to the release of final grades. Consortium credit and grades will appear on the transcript of the home institution as if they were taken there. Interested students need approval from their department, their college dean's office, and the Office of the Registrar.
Students taking courses at another university should request their Loyola transcript to take with them when registering for courses that have a prerequisite.
Please see also Enrollment at Other Universities.
Credential Definitions and Policies
These regulations define and outline basic policies for programs offered at Loyola University New Orleans.
A program is a coherent, stand-alone set of credit-bearing courses leading to a formally awarded credential, and that is subject to accreditation standards and guidelines including those around faculty qualifications, regular assessment of student learning, and evidence of budgetary and other planning in support of institutional effectiveness.
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A credential awarded to a student on the basis of completing a program of at least 60 hours at the associate level, 120 hours at the baccalaureate level, and 30 hours at the post-baccalaureate, graduate, or professional level (SACSCOC Core Requirement 9.2). Such degrees are eligible for both institutional and Title IV financial aid funding. Following SACSCOC standard 9.4, at least 25% of the credit hours in an undergraduate degree must be earned at Loyola. Following SACSCOC standard 9.5, at least a third of any graduate program credits must be earned at Loyola. Specific residency requirements are outlined in the Residency Section of the University Bulletin.
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Dual Degree
This is the awarding of two distinct credentials. While some double dipping is permissible, this generally requires more credit hours than a double major at the undergraduate level. At the graduate level, each degree must still meet the minimum of 30 credit hours.
It is possible for currently enrolled students to complete degrees and receive two separate diplomas. To receive a dual award at the undergraduate level, they must be different degrees (i.e. Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science). The following guidelines must be met:
- Approval of the program details with the Associate Dean(s) of the college(s) involved.
- Maintain a minimum grade point average of 3.0.
- Dual degrees involving at least one undergraduate degree require completion of at least an additional 30 semester hours beyond the first undergraduate degree with at least 15 hours completed in the second degree major; minimum total required hours are 150.
- All grade and degree requirements set by both academic programs. If the degrees are in two separate colleges, the student is required to meet the requirements set by both colleges
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Second Bachelor's Degree
A student who has already been awarded a bachelor’s degree may apply for a second degree only if the second degree is different from the first degree. Ordinarily, a second degree at the undergraduate level is discouraged, and a graduate degree is encouraged. However, in rare instances, two baccalaureate degrees may be appropriate to a student’s educational goals. Students who hold a baccalaureate degree from Loyola University or any other accredited institution may earn a second bachelor’s degree from Loyola if they meet the following conditions:
- Have the approval of and work out program details with the associate dean of the college involved;
- Complete at Loyola a minimum of 30 additional semester hours beyond the first degree, at least 15 hours of which must be in the second degree’s major;
- Complete all requirements for the second degree not covered by the first degree program;
- Meet all quality point and grade requirements set by the college, including the college’s Loyola Core requirements.
- Students should be aware that financial aid opportunities for those seeking a second baccalaureate degree are limited.
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At the undergraduate level, this is a grouping of at least 30 credit hours encompassing a coherent program of study with program level student learning outcomes that are assessed and that is overseen by at least one full-time faculty member with a terminal degree in an appropriate field.
Teach-Out/Termination of Major: Should the university, in the orderly review of curriculum, decide to discontinue a major, the courses necessary for the completion of the major will be offered in a two-year teach-out period.
An area of focus within a major that does not constitute a stand-alone credential and is noted on the transcript. Generally speaking, a concentration is a minimum of 12 credit hours. Major programs offering multiple concentration areas must take care to ensure each concentration is assessed. This does not necessarily mean that there is a separate program of assessment for each concentration but rather that no concentration should be excluded from the department’s larger assessment efforts which include assessment of all stated student learning outcomes.
Double Majors
Qualified undergraduate students who have completed two full semesters of their first year and have earned a minimum GPA of 3.0 may pursue two majors. Students must successfully complete the Loyola Core requirements of the first major; any additional, named, Loyola Core requirements specific to the second major; plus all of the major and adjunct requirements for both programs (including language requirements). Students complete the comprehensive and/or exit examination requirements for both majors.
- Students interested in pursuing a double major should consult with the associate dean(s) of the relevant college(s) before adding a second major.
- Students who complete the requirements for two majors will only receive one degree from Loyola. The degree is based on the student's primary major.
- Transcripts will indicate the bachelor's degree awarded as well as the two majors.
- Students who pursue majors in different degrees, such as Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Business Administration, must declare as their primary degree whichever requires the higher number of major and adjunct hours.
- Loyola students do have options to pursue a dual degree or second bachelor's degree.
Change of College, Degree, and/or Major
Students may change colleges, degrees, and/or majors by submitting a written request to Students must allow 5 business days for the request to be processed. Students with less than a 2.0 cumulative grade point average may change to a major in another college only with the approval of the associate dean of the college in which they plan to enroll.
- Continuously enrolled students who took a formal leave of absence follow the academic program of their original bulletin year when they were admitted to their current college.
- Students who change majors within their current college remain under the bulletin year they were admitted to the college.
- Students who change majors between colleges will be required to update to the bulletin requirements in effect at the time of the change.
- Current Loyola students who wish to transfer into a fully online program must receive permission from the Office of the Dean of City College, as well as the Office of the Dean of their current college. Potential applicants should know that these changes are likely to impact their eligibility for various forms of institutional financial aid (grants, merit- and/or talent-scholarships, etc.), if they are receiving any. Students who choose to transfer regardless, and who lose their Loyola grants and institutional merit- and/or talent-based scholarships as a result of transferring, will not have the scholarships reinstated should they desire to return to their original college. Moreover, transfer back to the original college requires permission from the Office of the Dean of that college, even if the academic program is the same.
- Students wishing to add or change a minor must do so in their Dean's Office.
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At the undergraduate level, this is a grouping of 18-24 credit hours encompassing a coherent program of study. While a minor is overseen by a faculty with appropriate qualifications, some flexibility is warranted for interdisciplinary minors which bring together expertise across disciplines. Minors appear on the transcript.
Students wishing to pursue multiple academic minors should contact their Dean's Office. At least 50% of the credit hours of a minor must be earned through instruction offered by Loyola.
Teach-Out/Termination of Minor: Should the university, in the orderly review of curriculum, decide to discontinue a minor, the courses necessary for the completion of a minor will be offered for a two year teach-out period.
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Certificate (For Credit)
A for-credit certificate is a credential awarded for which enrollment is available separate from a degree program, encompassing a coherent set of credit-bearing courses with program level learning outcomes that are assessed. Such stand-alone programs generally consist of at least 13 credit hours at the undergraduate level or at least 12 credit hours at the graduate level. Credit hours from stand-alone certificates may be applied to degree programs that have common course requirements. No more than 6 credit hours of transfer or prior learning credit may be applied to a stand-alone certificate program.
Certificates seeking to be eligible for Title IV funds are subject to additional rules and regulations outlined by Financial Aid. A consultation with the Provost’s Office and the Office of Financial Aid is recommended for such stand-alone programs.
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Micro-credentialing refers to a documented record of obtaining non-degree certification or competency in a specific area of skill or knowledge, often in small and short segments than the typical college degree. Micro-credentials generally include certificates of completion, certifications, apprenticeship educational certificates, occupational licenses, digital badges, etc.
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Certificate of Completion (For Credit)
Enrollment in a micro-credential certificate of completion is only available to students enrolled in a degree-seeking program. Generally, this type of certificate is a grouping of 12 or fewer credit hours, contributing to specific skills (i.e. Tutoring) or connecting courses around cohesive and relevant themes (i.e. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion). Generally, the credit included in micro-credentials may apply to the Loyola Core or general electives for degree programs. This is not a formal academic award, but completion of designated courses will result in a Badge and/or Transcript Notation.
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Certificate (Not For Credit)
Non-credit certificates are non-degree programs and their transcripts should be distinguishable from credit-bearing programs. Certificates of completion may be offered in line with best practices for Continuing Education Units (CEUs). Certificate programs that are not-for-credit are not bound by SACSCOC regulations related to the awarding of academic credit, but units offering non-credit certificates are still subject to SACSCOC regulations and policies. Not-for-Credit certificates are not eligible for Title IV federal financial aid but may be eligible for private loans.
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Transcript Notation
Transcript notations are short listings, usually at the end of the transcript. Currently available transcript notations include, indicating when a student has done service learning in a course. Transcript notations are subject to character limitations as outlined by the Office of the Registrar.
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A badge is an optional digital representation of an achievement that is not in and of itself a program of study or stand-alone credential. The Loyola Core Badges are micro-credentials that appear as both a transcript notation and can be shared electronically as a digital badge within students' professional networks.
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Credit Hour Certification
(All Students)
Classification | Full-Time | 3/4 Time | 1/2 Time | LT 1/2 Time | 1/4 Time |
Undergraduate | 12 crs | 9 crs | 6 crs | 5 crs | 3 crs |
Graduate | 6 crs | 4.5 crs | 3 crs | 1-2 crs | NA |
Law | 12 crs | 9 crs | 6 crs | <6 crs | |
Summer Session | 6 crs | NA | 3 crs | 1-2 crs | NA |
Credit Hour Policy
This definition of credit hours awarded for courses is in accordance with the mission and standards of Loyola University and in agreement with the Carnegie collegiate student hour, related federal definitions and requirements, and the standards, policies, and guidelines of SACSCOC. This policy is intended to direct and guide credit hour processes and calculations in order to ensure the mission and goals of Loyola University.
In general, Loyola University expects 50 minutes of classroom or engaged instruction and 100 minutes of outside-of-class student engagement per week, or the equivalent thereof, for a regular full-term semester hour of credit. Therefore, one semester hour of credit is granted for 700 minutes of classroom/engaged instruction and 1400 minutes of outside-of-class instruction. Based on this calculation, students should expect to engage with a one-credit class for a minimum of 2100 minutes over the course of an academic session. A three-credit course requires a minimum of 6300 minutes per semester.
Faculty and students should expect to engage with a course using the above credit hour calculation no matter the length of the term or delivery modality. Remote and online courses also require classroom instruction/engaged instruction. Shorter terms will require more intense engagement as the same number of minutes are acquired within a shorter timeframe. In all instances, a 3-credit course will require a minimum of 6300 total minutes of student engagement whether the course takes place in a 14-week term, an 8-week term, or a 2-week term. Faculty and students should not expect courses taken within a shorter time frame to include less coursework. Faculty and students may be required to engage for more than the minimum depending on the minutes calculated in a particular session; 2100 is a minimum and instructional days cannot be cut from the syllabus without approval by the respective Dean.
The Credit Hour Policy applies to all coursework at Loyola and not only to lecture/seminar courses. The policy equally applies to internships, practica, labs, field research, independent studies, experiential courses, and studio courses.
Zero-Credit Courses
Some programs require courses with zero (0) credit hours of academic credit. Zero (0) credit courses typically meet no more than once a week with less than 700 minutes of in-class or individual meeting time, engaged instruction, or outside-of-class student engagement over the semester, resulting in well less than one (1) credit hour's worth of work (2100 minutes). Such zero-credit courses follow the standard university curricular approval process.
Additionally, zero credit transcript notation may be utilized to document a student's co-curricular, engagement, or other accomplishments that occur outside of a formal academic classroom or laboratory setting. Examples of such experiences may include orientation sessions, recitals, special non-class/lab experiential learning events, professional presentations, and capstone (ETS) exams or certifications.
For the complete policy and a list of activities that can be counted toward credit hour calculations, please refer to the full Credit Hour Policy document.
Cross Enrollments - Graduate
If a student from one graduate program would like to enroll in a course from another graduate degree or college, the student must obtain prior written permission from the program director or associate dean in the college in which the student is enrolled and in the college offering the course. Students may be required to submit additional documentation to the program admissions committee, including resume, program application form and/or admissions exam results. Should a grade appeal arise, it will follow the policy of the college in which the course was taken.
Course Delivery Modes
In-person: All or most course activity is completed on campus / face-to-face, with required meetings on a regular schedule. Some online or hybrid tools may be used.
Hybrid: Online activity is mixed with classroom meetings, replacing some, but not all required face-to-face instructional activities. When the technologies used for education and communication outside the classroom are used to supplant some, but not all face-to-face instruction, reducing the time actually spent in the classroom, the result is a blended/hybrid classroom course. For example, if a course traditionally meets in a classroom three times per week, a hybrid version might use online sessions to replace one or two of the traditional weekly classroom sessions or to focus face-to-face sessions on laboratory, assignments, recitations, or project work. Note: all hybrid classes should allow students who are unable to attend to participate, as well, either synchronously or asynchronously. Exams may be delivered in person, online asynchronously, or online synchronously, with accommodations for students who are unable to participate in person. Also note: hyflex may fall under this category - in-class activities are simultaneously broadcast online for students who choose to participate remotely.
Remote (Synchronous): At least some of the course activity is completed online in a synchronous manner, with required sessions on a regular schedule. Remote courses eliminate geography as a factor in the relationship between the student and the institution. These courses primarily engage students through Zoom and Canvas and mirror traditional face-to-face courses, though the instructor and students are not in a physical classroom. Remote courses may incorporate some asynchronous elements, but a substantive portion of the class should be delivered synchronously. Note: all remote classes should allow students who are unable to attend to participate asynchronously. This can be accomplished by, for example, recording lectures and posting them online for later review. Exams may be delivered online asynchronously or online synchronously. Attendance may be required in synchronous courses.
Online (Asynchronous): All course activity is done online; there are no required face-to-face sessions and no requirements for on-campus or synchronous activity. Online courses eliminate geography as a factor in the relationship between the student and the institution. They consist entirely of online elements that facilitate the three critical student interactions: with content, the instructor, and other students. While these courses may appeal to on-campus students, they are designed to meet the needs of students who do not have effective access to campus. They may reside near the campus, or they may reside quite a distance away in other states or even in other countries. Exams are delivered online asynchronously.
Drop/Add Period
Deadlines for drop/add activity are strictly enforced. Students are held responsible for adhering to the published deadlines and assume full responsibility for the accuracy of their registration and incurred tuition and fees. With the exception of online administrative drops, the University does no drop students from courses for non-attendance or missed deadlines.
A dropped course is removed from the student’s record. Please refer to the academic calendar for deadlines.
Students should be aware that scholarships and financial aid opportunities may not be available if the student is required to stay beyond four years (if admitted as a freshman).
Online Administrative Drop
All online students are required to academically participate in their course no later than 11:59 PM CST on the 7th calendar day of class within the session. Academic participation will be determined by completion of the required Canvas activities as assigned by your professor in the course. Those students who do not demonstrate any academic participation may be administratively dropped from their course by the Office of the Registrar, with a full reversal of tuition and fees. Students who are dropped from courses due to lack of participation will not be eligible to receive disbursements of federal financial aid.
Dual Enrollment
Loyola may enter into Memorandums of Understanding to offer courses that allow students to simultaneously earn high school credit and Loyola credit at the same time. Such courses are reviewed, approved, and assessed by the relevant department and are taught by appropriately credentialed faculty. All courses adhere to university policies on syllabi and to academic regulations noted in the university bulletin section on academic regulations. These programs abide by all dual enrollment regulations and standards of both the Louisiana Board of Regents and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools- Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC).
Please note that Dual Enrollment is different from Loyola’s Early Scholars/Early Artists Program.
Students must meet Board of Regents requirements. They must also have approval of their high school and parent or legal guardian to apply. Further details may be established in the MOU.
Academic Calendar
High school students enrolled in an approved Loyola Dual Enrollment program abide by an academic calendar that is designed to be compatible with the calendar of the high school partner and may include offering courses over a full academic year.
Add, Drop, and Withdrawal Dates
The dual enrollment academic calendar will include add, drop, and withdrawal dates that are relevant to the timeline the course is being offered but generally the drop date will be one week after the midterm grades are posted and the withdrawal date will be the last day of classes.
Library Resources
In support of their course work, students will be given access to the Learning Management System, a Loyola email address, and a Loyola ID card for purposes of library privileges. Abuse of these privileges is governed by university and library policies including the code of conduct.
Student Support Services
Students are generally entitled to full learning support services including writing, tutoring, and accessibility support at both institutions unless otherwise noted in the MOU.
Early Law School Admission
Students who enter law school generally do so after having completed a bachelor's degree. However, under exceptional conditions the Loyola College of Law may accept students after they have completed their junior year and have earned an appropriate score on the LSAT. Students who wish to attempt early admission must have completed all itemized undergraduate degree requirements, including all Loyola Core requirements, all major requirements, named adjunct requirements, and language requirements if any. The first 30 hours earned in law school will be applied as general elective credits only for the completion of the undergraduate degree.
Students are not guaranteed acceptance into the Loyola College of Law, as the College of Law has the final authority on all admission decisions. Interested students should consult with their associate dean as well as the College of Law Office of Admissions.
Enrollment at Other Universities
Students must obtain approval of their requested coursework from the department advisor/chair and dean's office prior to enrollment in courses at other institutions. Students must be in good academic standing, carry an overall GPA of 2.00 or greater, and have no pending disciplinary issues. If required by the attending university, students should request a "Letter of Good Standing" from the dean's office. Individual colleges may have additional stipulations or regulations.
Loyola University has a plan for your success and you should take your classes at Loyola. However, we realize that there are extenuating circumstances when this may not be possible. Permission to take courses elsewhere will be granted only when the student can demonstrate compelling reasons to do so. Examples of compelling reasons include:
- The course is needed for graduation within the academic year and is not being offered at Loyola during that time frame or course sections have filled/closed.
- A student needs to take a course during the summer semester due to a prior course withdrawal, failed course, or other academic reasons, and the course is not being offered by Loyola during the summer session or course sections have filled/closed.
- Courses beyond the 120 hours requirement are needed for post-graduation certification testing (ex: the CPA exam).
Please note: the cost of a Loyola course and other financial matters are not considered a compelling reason for enrolling elsewhere.
- Students who are classified as a junior or above cannot attend a Junior/Community College
- Credit will be awarded only as earned hours for approved courses in which a grade of C or above has been earned; grades of C- or below will not receive credit. Grades do not transfer, only the earned hours.
- After completion of the course, students must submit an official copy of the transcript from the other institution to the dean's office for evaluation of transfer credit.
- Loyola students on approved medical leave may be allowed to take up to 9 credit hours of coursework elsewhere with permission of the associate dean. Please see the medical leave policy.
Please see also Cross Enrollment (Consortium Courses).
Graduate Courses Taken by Undergraduates
Undergraduates may take one graduate course in each of their last two semesters with approval of their associate dean. The graduate course’s earned hours and quality points will be applied to a student's graduate career only. If students wish to have the graduate credit applied to the undergraduate career, they should petition the associate dean’s office within the first month of class. Under no circumstances will the course’s hours and quality points apply to both the graduate and the undergraduate careers.
Loyola offers specific dual degree programs where graduate credit taken by undergraduates is articulated as part of a comprehensive academic plan to complete both an undergraduate and a graduate degree. Students interested in pursuing one of these dual degrees should discuss these specifically articulated academic plans with their associate dean.
Independent Study Requests
Prior to enrolling in an independent study, students must obtain the signature of the instructor, the department chair, (University Honors Program director, if applicable) and the student's associate dean. Please use the Independent Study Request Form to seek approval.
Instruction Delivery
Loyola University New Orleans reserves the right to shift educational instruction online at any point during the academic year if, in its sole discretion, circumstances are such that on-campus instruction is impractical, infeasible, or prohibited by governmental authorities.
Leave of Absence/Intent to Re-Enroll
Students who are in good academic standing (2.0 cumulative GPA or higher-undergraduates/3.0 cumulative GPA or higher-graduate) are eligible for up to two consecutive semesters of Leave of Absence from Loyola. Students must formally request this action through their dean's office no later than the last day to withdraw for the semester. Students approved for a Leave of Absence will be able to re-enroll in courses for the semester following the designated Leave period without having to reapply to the University, provided the student has no registration holds or re-entry conditions outlined by their associate dean or Student Health Services.
NOTE: Students with a cumulative GPA below 2.00 (undergraduate) or 3.00 (graduate) are not eligible for a Leave of Absence. A student who requests a Leave of Absence, but whose cumulative GPA is below the minimum will be completely withdrawn from the institution and must reapply for admission.
Before requesting a Leave of Absence:
- Students must discuss leave status and coursework with their advisor prior to taking an approved leave of absence. If a student plans to take courses elsewhere while on leave, they must seek official permission to do so through their associate dean.
- Financial aid recipients must speak with Student Financial Services about the impact a Leave may have on their financial aid.
- Students living on-campus must Contact Residential Life to make arrangements to move out.
- Contact Mail Services to arrange to return the mailbox key or discuss a forwarding address.
- Students returning from a leave of absence (either standard or medical leave) must also sign the disciplinary/criminal background form before they can register. A registration hold will be placed on all leave of absences (standard or medical) to ensure that this form is signed when the student returns. This form will be emailed to you prior to your return term.
Medical Withdrawal from the University
A student can be granted a medical withdrawal from Loyola. Applications for medical withdrawal should be referred to the Director of Counseling and Health Services, and follow the regulations provided in Section 8 of the Student Code of Conduct. There are no partial medical withdrawals for a term or session. This policy applies to all students regardless of modality of instruction.
Voluntary Medical Withdrawal from the University
If a student is unable to complete the coursework or other course of study for a term* due to medical and/or mental health reasons, the student may request a medical withdrawal from the University. Medical withdrawal requests must be supported by appropriate documentation from a licensed care provider, submitted to the director for counseling and health services and approved by the executive director of student affairs. Any student receiving a medical withdrawal during the term may be required to remain out of class the succeeding session. This decision will be based on the seriousness of illness and time of withdrawal. There are no partial medical withdrawals for a term. If at the time of a medical withdrawal request the student has pending incomplete grades from the previous term, the student is withdrawn from these courses as well. If the deadline for converting incomplete grades has already passed by the time the withdrawal is requested, the grades remain as assigned. Any exceptions must be approved by the Director of Counseling and Health Services and by the Associate Dean of the student’s college. The institutional refund policy applies. Medical withdrawals must be made within the term being requested (during illness). If a student withdraws and wishes to return after a year's absence or if the student's GPA is less than a 2.0 for undergraduate students or 3.0 for graduate students, the student must apply for readmission and if readmitted follow the degree requirements in effect at the time of their readmission or they can petition their Associate Dean to return under the same catalog.
* Note that a term generally may be a session or semester depending on the typical course length in a student's program of study.
Involuntary Medical Withdrawal from the University
This policy is meant to be invoked by the Executive Director for Student Affairs when a student is unable or unwilling to request a voluntary medical withdrawal and such a leave may be necessary because the student’s behavior severely disrupts and/or threatens the university’s learning environment. Before an involuntary medical withdrawal is considered, efforts will be made to encourage the student to take a voluntary medical withdrawal. The executive director of student affairs may require a forensic evaluation to facilitate an informed decision.
Medical Withdrawal Re-enrollment
To re-enroll at the University following a medical withdrawal, a student must contact the University Counseling Center to schedule an appointment with the Director for Counseling and Health Services. The student must secure a letter from the primary treatment provider that includes dates of treatment, treatment progress, treatment plan, and a recommendation to resume coursework at the University. Once the student has been cleared by both the primary medical provider and the Director for Counseling and Health Services, then the student will be cleared to register for courses. If a student has other registration holds, then those must be cleared with the respective departments in order for registration to occur.
If a student withdraws and wishes to return after a year's absence or if the student's GPA is less than a 2.0 for undergraduate students or 3.0 for graduate students, the student must apply for readmission and if readmitted follow the degree requirements in effect at the time of their readmission or they can petition their Associate Dean to return under the same catalog.
Military Service Policy (Active Duty)
Loyola wishes to provide as much assistance as possible to students who are called to active duty in the United States Armed Services. To this end, these guidelines shall be followed with appropriate consideration, approved by the president of the University, as required under special individual circumstances.
Loyola recognizes that no policy can anticipate every situation or circumstance that may arise when students or employees are called to active duty on short notice. Loyola commits itself to respond to individual situations with sensitivity and in the spirit of justice and charity.
Policy Guidelines for Current Students
These policy guidelines shall apply when a currently enrolled student is called to active duty in the armed forces of the United States. No involvement in hostilities or period of overseas duty is required for these policy guidelines to apply.
These policy guidelines shall remain in effect for the individual student called to active duty, even if subsequently the University should have reason to change or alter the guidelines.
If called to active duty, a student should provide a copy of his or her service orders to the Office of the Registrar. At that time, the student should inform the Office of the Registrar in writing which of the following two options he or she chooses:
- The student may elect to withdraw from the University and to be placed on a leave of absence for the period of one year, which can be extended. In this case, he or she may chose (1) to receive a full credit for tuition, fees, residence hall and meal plan fees paid to the University to the date of the withdrawal, which credit will be applied against expenses when the student re-enrolls following military service; or (2) to request a prorated refund of tuition, fees, residence hall and meal plan fees paid to the University. This prorated refund will be based on the number of weeks that have elapsed in the semester before the student gives notice of the decision to withdraw; once determined in the individual student's case, the prorated refund rate will be applied equally to any tuition, fees, residence hall and meal plan fees paid to the University. The student's right to re-enroll in the future and register for courses is maintained unaffected.
- If more than half of the semester has elapsed at the time the student is called to active duty, the student may choose to take an incomplete grade (I) in his or her courses. These incomplete grades will be maintained as the permanent record for a maximum of one year, which can be extended by written request. Once re enrolled, the student returning from active duty should ordinarily resolve any incomplete grades within the first six weeks of reenrollment. If a course in which a student returning from active duty has an incomplete grade is no longer offered or if the faculty member is no longer with the University, the returning student will receive a full tuition credit for a replacement course.
Please note that if the student is called to active duty in her or his last semester prior to graduation, the student should contact the appropriate Dean's Office to make arrangements for completion of graduation requirements.
The Office of the Registrar will notify the appropriate Dean's Office of the student's decision to withdraw from the University and record withdrawal (W) grades and the date of withdrawal on the permanent record. Students who chose to take incomplete grades should follow the Incomplete Grade Policy procedures.
Loyola graduation requirements for students called to active duty will be "grandfathered" in that whatever graduation requirements the student faced when leaving for active duty will be the same upon his or her return. (This stipulation is not applicable for state certification requirements or other accrediting association's requirements.)
While the University will make every effort to accommodate students returning from active duty, placement in the undergraduate honors program or as a member of the Law Review or the Moot Court in the School of Law cannot be guaranteed.
A student called to active duty may designate a person with power of attorney to take care of any matters left unfinished at Loyola. This designation should be provided in writing to the Office of the Registrar before the student's departure.
In the case of law students who are called to active duty, waivers will be granted as necessary to the American Bar Association standard that states students should graduate within five years of commencing School of Law studies.
University scholarship awards based on merit will be preserved for students holding such awards when called to active duty. These University scholarship awards may be reclaimed by students returning from active duty for a period of two years after their release from active duty. (Please note that any federal grant or loan awards, which the student may have received, will be governed by the applicable policies established by the Department of Education.) The University reserves the right to require students to exercise any available eligibility for need-based federal assistance as a condition of retaining merit-based scholarships.
Program Delivery Types
While courses may utilize different delivery modes, each program is approved to be offered via a specific delivery type. Program delivery types are defined below.
In-person Program. All courses in this program delivery type are offered in-person. Online courses may be available to students enrolled in an in-person program and will count toward program completion. However, no exclusively online courses are required for program completion with the exception of internship, clinical and similar experiential learning courses.
Hybrid Program. Some courses are offered in-person only, and some courses are only offered online. Students enrolled in a hybrid program will be required to take both in-person and online courses. Hybrid programs are approved as a majority online, or a majority in-person.
Online Program. All courses in this program delivery type are offered online. No in-person courses are required for program completion. Required experiential learning activities such as internships or clinical practicums may be a part of an online program.
Changes in Program Delivery
Changes in the course composition of a hybrid, on-ground, or online program require approval by the appropriate committees, and may require SACSCOC notification or approval.
Overload Policy
Undergraduate on-campus students
A typical undergraduate course load is 15 – 18 hours. A student may be eligible to take up to 23 semester hours without additional charges. However, the student must receive approval from their associate dean to take more than 20 semester hours in one semester. Students on academic probation are subject to the information outlined in the Academic Actions Policy.
Undergraduates enrolled in traditional on-campus programs are limited to 6 credit hours for each 8-week session of online courses during the Fall and Spring semesters, and 6 credit hours per session for each 7-week summer session. Students who would like to go above the 6 credit hours per session limit are expected to have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and will need permission from their advisor and the Dean's Office of their college.
Undergraduate online students
There is a 12-hour/semester (6-hour/session) registration cap for undergraduate students enrolled in fully-online programs. Students who would like to go above 12 hours per semester are expected to have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and will need permission from their advisor and the Online & City College Dean’s office.
Being approved for a course overload does not guarantee the student has funding available for additional credits. It is the students’ responsibility to ensure they have the necessary funding prior to enrolling. Students must initiate contact with the Office of Financial Aid and Student Financial Services to discuss financial implications.
Repetition of Courses
Undergraduate students
Students may only repeat a course with a grade of "C-" or below or if your major requirement requires you to have a grade of "C" or better. For students who repeat a course, grades for both courses are used in GPA calculations unless the student requests and qualifies for Academic Amnesty; in which case only the new grade is used towards the GPA. However, the student will only receive earned credit hours for one course. Loyola’s policy is to show all grades in repeated courses, and the student receives no additional credit hours towards graduation. To determine academic standing, all grades and quality hours are included. Repeated courses of this nature will carry a transcript notation identifying all repeated courses.
Some courses may be taken more than once by design, such as Independent Study, Theatrical Play Production, etc. Courses that are allowed to be taken more than once will not carry a transcript notation identifying a repeated course; all grades and earned hours will be calculated and accrued towards graduation.
Graduate students
Graduate students may repeat only once a course in which they received a B- or below. Loyola’s policy is to show all grades in repeated courses, and the student receives no additional credit hours towards graduation. To determine academic standing, all grades and quality hours are included.
Residency - Undergraduate
At least 25% of the program's credit hours required for a Loyola undergraduate degree must be earned through instruction offered by Loyola. At least 50% of the credit hours in the major must be earned through instruction offered by Loyola. At least 50% of the credit hours of a minor must be earned through instruction offered by Loyola.
The last 30 credit hours must be completed at Loyola, unless special permission is granted by the dean or designee for the student to pursue coursework elsewhere.
No more than 64 hours of coursework from an accredited two-year school may be applied to a Loyola degree program.
Residency - Graduate
At least one-third of the program's credit hours required for a graduate degree must be earned through instruction offered by Loyola.
Veteran's Certification
Please see the Office of the Registrar's website for information on the certification process or contact Kathy Gros, University Registrar and Veteran's Certifying Official, for information on obtaining veteran's educational benefits. Her contact information is (504) 865-3237 or
Withdrawal from a Course
After the drop/add period, students may apply to withdraw from a course until the deadline stated in the academic calendar. A grade of W for the course is placed on the transcript, and the transaction requires the adviser’s and instructor’s signatures. Course withdrawal forms can be requested through an academic advisor, but the form is not complete or official until all signatures have been obtained and a copy is filed in the Office of the Registrar. Note - a final grade of "W" does not impact your grade point average, but it may impact your financial aid.
Students who stop attending but do not officially withdraw from the course will receive a grade of F. Please refer to the academic calendar for deadlines.
Withdrawal from the University
If a student has decided to leave Loyola permanently, then they are encouraged to formally withdraw from the institution through the Office of the Registrar. To be approved for a Withdrawal from the University, a student cannot be academically dismissed/excluded for academic deficiency or disciplinary issues. In the event a student requests a Withdrawal, but has been academically dismissed, the Withdrawal Request will be canceled and the academic dismissal will stand. Any student who plans to return to Loyola, must reapply for admission unless they have applied for a leave of absence. If a student withdraws and wishes to return after a year's absence or if the student's GPA is less than a 2.0 for undergraduate students or 3.0 for graduate students, the student must apply for readmission and if readmitted follow the degree requirements in effect at the time of their readmission or they can petition their Associate Dean to return under the same catalog.
Before requesting a Withdrawal from Loyola, students should make appropriate arrangements with the Bursar’s Office, Student Financial Services, and Residential Life to ensure that all financial obligations to the University have been satisfied.
Deadlines for withdrawal
- Full refund and course removal from the student's record – last day to drop noted on the academic calendar.
- Partial refund and receive grades of “W” as noted on the academic calendar.
- The deadline for submitting a University Withdrawal request to the Office of the Registrar is the same as for submitting Medical Withdrawal requests to the director for Counseling and Health Services. Please refer to the academic calendar for specific date information.
For Non-Medical Withdrawal
If a student withdraws and wishes to return within 1 year (2 semesters) of the withdrawal, the student may petition the Office of the Registrar for a leave of absence. If the student’s GPA is 2.0 (undergraduate) or 3.0 (graduate) or greater the leave will be granted. If the GPA is less than 2.0 (undergraduate) or 3.0 (graduate), the student must apply for readmission.
If a student withdraws and wishes to return after a year's absence or if the student's GPA is less than a 2.0 for undergraduate students or 3.0 for graduate students, the student must apply for readmission and if readmitted follow the degree requirements in effect at the time of their readmission or they can petition their Associate Dean to return under the same catalog.
Medical Withdrawal
See Medical Withdrawal from the University for further information.
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