Privacy, Student Records, & Student Rights

Loyola regulations and practices that are used to ensure information security and accuracy of student academic records.


If you do not find what you are looking for, please return to the Regulations Directory. If you have any questions, please contact the Office of the Registrar at

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Email Address Policy

All students are assigned a Loyola University email address. This is the only address that will be recognized and used by Loyola University. All official information from faculty, staff, and administrators will be sent to students at this address. It is the students’ responsibility to regularly check their email account.

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FERPA – Family Education Rights & Privacy Act

Maintaining confidentiality of student records is everyone's responsibility, whether you are faculty, staff, or student.  

Annually, Loyola University New Orleans informs students of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, as amended. Review this annual notice to students.

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Intellectual Property Rights

This notice informs students of Loyola University New Orleans’ Intellectual Property Rights Policy (“Policy”), which governs student works.

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Knowledge of Regulations

Students are responsible for compliance with the regulations of the university and should familiarize themselves with the provisions of this bulletin distributed by the Office of Admissions, the deadlines posted on the academic calendar published by the Office of the Registrar, the Student Handbook distributed by the Office of Student Affairs, and posted official notices and official instructions given to students.

The university reserves the right to clarify and change its regulations in the course of the student’s enrollment. Faculty advisers, deans, and associate deans are available to assist students regarding compliance with current regulations. However, it is ultimately the student’s responsibility to comply with the regulations and completion of requirements for his or her chosen program of study.

Upon enrollment, the student and the parents or guardians of a dependent student agree that the student will be governed by the university regulations and will abide by decisions made by proper authorities of the university regarding the individual student.

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Loyola Online Records System (LORA Self Service)

The Loyola’s Online Records Access (LORA) is available to all students. Students can check their grades, account balances, financial aid, transcripts, and class schedules, and some students, with approval of their adviser, may register online.

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Policy on Non-Discrimination

Loyola University New Orleans has fully supported and fostered in its educational programs, admissions, employment practices, and in the activities it operates the policy of not discriminating on the basis of age, color, disability, national origin, race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. This policy is in compliance with all applicable federal regulations and guidelines.

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Preferred Name Policy

While at Loyola University, a student may choose to use a name other than their legal name. This “preferred name” will appear on most of the University’s internally used documents (e.g. class rosters and advisor rosters). The Office of the Registrar is responsible for preferred name changes. The University seeks to ensure that all students feel respected, supported, and included in our campus community.

The preferred name will appear on all class rosters, advising lists, reports to departments, colleges, and other campus offices. The preferred name will not appear on legal documents, such as transcripts, financial aid documents, payroll, or any other documents where a legal name is required by law. Student addresses are linked to the student’s legal name. Therefore, official University correspondence will be sent to the student’s home address with their legal name listed.

A student’s legal name will appear on their diploma when a student does not indicate a preferred name on the Application for Degree. If you wish to have your preferred name listed on your diploma, you must indicate this name on the Application for Degree. Diplomas can be re-issued upon legal name change (contact the Office of the Registrar; the previous diploma must be returned to the Office of the Registrar).

A student should submit a request for a preferred name change in person to the Registrar (Thomas Hall 204). The Registrar can, in some cases, facilitate the change of the student’s email address, ID card, and other such documents.

If a student wishes to keep their legal name private, then they can complete a Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)-Authorization to Withhold Directory Information form in the Office of the Registrar. This will prohibit the release of a student’s name (legal and preferred names) to an outside source (e.g., Loyola University website searches, enrollment verification by prospective employers, insurance companies, etc.).

Contact the Registrar with any further questions regarding preferred name changes.

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Release of Information

Release of information procedures and restrictions can be viewed in the annual notice to students on the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

Release of Information - Deceased Students

All requests for disclosures of non-directory information regarding deceased students must be submitted in writing to the Office of the Registrar. Such requests must (1) specify the individual records requested, (2) indicate a purpose for the disclosure of the records, and (3) identify the recipients of the information requested.

The requestor(s) must be identified as a party with a legitimate interest in non-directory information regarding the decedent.  A party with a legitimate interest in non-directory information regarding the decedent typically includes an executor or administrator, or if the estate has already closed, the next of kin in the context of Louisiana’s intestate statute. The requestor(s) must also submit a certified copy of the student’s death certificate or provide an authorized court order/subpoena.

Loyola reserves the right to refuse disclosures and/or to notify the estate of the deceased student, if known, prior to releasing the information or responding to requests for non-directory information about the former student.

Medical / Psychological
The psychological and/or medical records may be released upon signed written request to the surviving spouse, the parents, executor of the will, the surviving children, or - after suit has been instituted - the defense counsel or the defense insurance company seeking any medical, hospital, or other records relating to the patient's medical treatment, history or condition, either personally or through an attorney.  Only the Director for Counseling and Health Services may release the psychological and/or medical records of a deceased student.

The person requesting the records must provide the following information in a signed written request:

  • Student's name
  • Copy of the death certificate
  • Person requesting records' name, address, phone number, evidence that he or she is qualified to receive the records based on the criteria above
  • Signature
  • Date of request

For educational records, please address the request to the Registrar, Loyola University New Orleans, 6363 St. Charles Avenue, Box 2, New Orleans, LA 70118

For medical records, please address the request to Director, University Counseling Center, Loyola University New Orleans, 6363 St. Charles Avenue, Box 200, New Orleans, LA 70118

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Records Retention Policy

The following guidelines are recommended by American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) and also approved by Loyola University:

  • The admissions records of enrolled students are retained for 10 years.
  • Acceptance letters, applications, correspondence, credit by examination, test scores, transcripts, transfer credit evaluations, and admissions decision information are retained on non-enrolled students for a period of two years.
  • Records and Registration Documents are retained for a period of one year.
  • Change of grade forms, final grade rosters, transcripts, catalogs, class schedules, and graduation certifications are retained indefinitely.

Students are required to report and appeal all discrepancies regarding all academic records to the Office of the Registrar within 30 days from the final class day of the semester in which the discrepancy occurred.

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Security of Student Records

Loyola University New Orleans maintains all student records in electronic format. Such records are maintained on an administrative system housed in a secured environment. Access to all electronically stored information is controlled through the use of user IDs and passwords. Additionally, all records are copied to magnetic tape on a daily basis and stored offsite.

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Student Complaints

All students have access to the general Student Complaint process. A student complaint can be filed electronically - Please note: Grade Appeals and Academic Grievances follow different processes as outlined elsewhere in Academic Regulations. 

Online Programs
In addition to the procedures referenced above, states operating under the State Authorization and Reciprocity Agreement (SARA) have agreed to allow their respective state portal agencies (Loyola's in the Louisiana Board of Regents) to investigate and resolve a complaint not related to grade appeals, academic grievances or discipline/conduct matters that has not been resolved satisfactorily through an institution's internal procedures for resolution of grievances. Information here.

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Loyola is authorized to distribute only Loyola’s own transcripts, not the records of testing services or other universities. Students may have four records at Loyola which comprise the official transcript: undergraduate, graduate, law, or continuing education transcript. Upon a student’s request, all official transcripts are sent by the Office of the Registrar to others. Transcripts marked “Issued to the Student” are given by the Office of the Registrar to students. In accordance with recommendations of the AACRAO, official transcripts issued to students should not be treated as an official academic credential unless the transcript is provided in a sealed envelope. Transcripts carry notations identifying major, minor (if applicable) degree program, Loyola term and cumulative statistics, degrees earned at Loyola and other institutions, transfer coursework by institution, credit by examination, date of birth, and prior academic level. Academic suspensions are indicated on the transcript for students placed in this status.

Students who have attended Loyola as transients under the cross-enrollment/consortium policy will have their coursework posted on their home institution’s transcript.

Transcripts may be requested through the transcript request website.

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