School of Communication and Design

Within the College of Music & Media, the School of Communication & Design offers the following academic major programs and academic minor programs at the undergraduate level. An academic program is a student's degree and major. Each academic program listed in the University Bulletin outlines what courses and requirements students need for successful completion of the program. 

Academic areas of study in the School of Communication and Design include:

Academic Programs

Academic minor programs in the School of Communication and Design

A detailed curriculum for each program is listed below. 

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Design Programs

The School of Communication and Design offers the following programs and minors in Design:

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Bachelor of Design

The Department of Design offers a comprehensive approach to design education, where students explore analog methods such as drawing, hand lettering, screen printing, and letterpress as well as digital methods, encompassing electronic media, typographic design, publication design, illustration, photography, UX design, motion, and 3D. This holistic curriculum is designed to equip students with the skills necessary for the professional communication design practice. A list of Design faculty and staff can be viewed on the department website.

Graphic Design

The Bachelor of Design - Graphic Design major is a 120 semester credit hour academic program. Students will complete Loyola Core requirements, major requirements, and general electives. Completion of this academic program requires a 2.0 GPA in the major curriculum and a 2.0 GPA in the Loyola cumulative curriculum.

  • Overview of requirements: 120 credit hours (crs) required for completion
    • Loyola Core: 39 crs
    • Design Lecture Forum: 8 semesters at 0 crs
    • Graphic Design major: 72 crs
    • Electives: 9 crs
    • Progression regulations
  • Loyola Core: majors complete the full scope of the Loyola Core with 39 crs in Loyola Core requirement areas. Modifications include 
    • Foundations Math can be satisfied by: 
      • COSC A211 Intro to Programming 1 (requires math placement)
      • MATH A115 Intro to Finite Math
      • MATH T122 Math Models
    • Creative Arts & Cultures requirement satisfied by Art History in the major
  • DSGN M200 Design Lecture Forum (0 crs). Design majors must enroll in this course for 0 crs each semester for a total of 8 semesters.
  • Graphic Design Major. Students complete the following courses for 72 crs: 
    • Choose one of the following:
      • ARTH O160 Intro to Art History 1
      • ARTH O162 Intro to Art History 2
    • Choose one of the following: 
      • SPCH A100 Fundamentals of Speech
      • THEA M220 Acting 1
    • Choose one of the following:
      • VISA A200 Drawing 1
      • VISA A201 Drawing 2
    • DSGN M202 Introduction to Design
    • DSGN M210 Design Photography
    • DSGN M220 Illustration Design
    • DSGN M225 Visual Research
    • DSGN M271 Design History 1
    • DSGN M272 Design History 2
    • DSGN M275 Print Design & Narrative
    • DSGN M276 Interactive Design 1
    • DSGN M278 Typography Lab 1
    • DSGN M279 Typography Lab 2
    • DSGN M325 Interactive Design 2
    • DSGN M326 Motion Design 1
    • DSGN M376 Motion Design 2
    • DSGN M377 Social/Political Design
    • DSGN M400 Design Topics
    • DSGN M475 Professional Design Practicum
    • DSGN M476 Creative Entrepreneurship
    • DSGN M480 Design Capstone
    • DSGN M485 Design Internship
    • Major Electives for 6 crs: Choose two courses from Design (DSGN) or Visual Arts (VISA)
  • Electives: Students choose any three electives for a total of 9 crs in consultation with an advisor. 
  • Progression requirements: 
    • Bachelor of Design majors must demonstrate a basic content knowledge and functional proficiency at the end of each class year as follows: A grade of C- or better is required  in all DSGN, VISA, and other major courses. Students who lack such knowledge and proficiency will be advised to retake courses in which a grade less than C- was received. 

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Interactive Design

The Bachelor of Design - Interactive Design major is a 120 semester credit hour academic program. Students will complete Loyola Core requirements, major requirements, and general electives. Completion of this academic program requires a 2.0 GPA in the major curriculum and a 2.0 GPA in the Loyola cumulative curriculum.

  • Overview of requirements: 120 credit hours (crs) required for completion
    • Loyola Core: 39 crs
    • Design Lecture Forum: 8 semesters at 0 crs
    • Interactive Design major: 66 crs
    • Electives: 15 crs
    • Progression regulations
  • Loyola Core: majors complete the full scope of the Loyola Core with 39 crs in Loyola Core requirement areas. Modifications include 
    • Foundations Math can be satisfied by: 
      • COSC A211 Intro to Programming 1 (requires math placement)
      • MATH A115 Intro to Finite Math
      • MATH T122 Math Models
    • Creative Arts & Cultures requirement satisfied by Art History in the major
  • DSGN M200 Design Lecture Forum (0 crs). Design majors must enroll in this course for 0 crs each semester for a total of 8 semesters.
  • Interactive Design Major. Students complete the following courses for 66 crs: 
    • Choose one of the following:
      • ARTH O160 Intro to Art History 1
      • ARTH O162 Intro to Art History 2
    • Choose one of the following:
      • VISA A200 Drawing 1
      • VISA A201 Drawing 2
    • DSGN M202 Introduction to Design
    • DSGN M210 Design Photography
    • DSGN M220 Illustration Design
    • DSGN M225 Visual Research
    • DSGN M271 Design History 1
    • DSGN M272 Design History 2
    • DSGN M275 Print Design & Narrative
    • DSGN M276 Interactive Design 1
    • DSGN M278 Typography Lab 1
    • DSGN M279 Typography Lab 2
      • DSGN M325 Interactive Design 2
      • DSGN M326 Motion Design 1
      • DSGN M330 Human Centered Design
      • DSGN M332 Rapid Prototyping
      • DSGN M376 Motion Design 2
      • DSGN M400 Design Topics
      • DSGN M465 UX Design Practicum
      • DSGN M474 Interactive Design 3
      • DSGN M480 Design Capstone
      • DSGN M485 Design Internship
    • Electives: In consultation with an advisor, students choose five electives for a total of 15 crs. 
    • Progression requirements: 
      • Bachelor of Design majors must demonstrate a basic content knowledge and functional proficiency at the end of each class year as follows: A grade of C- or better is required in all DSGN, VISA, and other major courses. Students who lack such knowledge and proficiency will be advised to retake courses in which a grade less than C- was received. 

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    Art History Minor

    Students complete 18 credit hours of the following coursework with a 2.0 GPA.

    • ARTH O160 Intro to Art History 1
    • ARTH O162 Intro to Art History 2
    • ARTH O215 Modern Art
    • Art History electives for 9 crs, chosen in consultation with an Art History advisor. Eligible courses include, but are not limited to: 
      • ARTH O206 Music & Art in the Middle Ages & Renaissance
      • ARTH O220 Medieval Art
      • ARTH O236 Women in Art
      • ARTH O243 Art & History of the Book
      • ARTH O275 Art & the Jesuits in Early Modern Rome
      • ARTH H295 Honors Seminar
      • ARTH M300 Art After Modernism
      • ARTH M350 Aesthetics
      • ARTH O305 Italian Renaissance Art
      • ARTH O310 Art Between the Wars
      • DSGN M271 Design History 1
      • DSGN M272 Design History 2
      • Eligible courses from Classical Studies (CLHU) and Mass Communications (CMMN) as directed by the Art History advisor 

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    Design Minor

    Students complete 21 credit hours of the following coursework with a 2.0 GPA.

    • DSGN M202 Introduction to Design
    • DSGN M271 Design History 1
    • DSGN M272 Design History 2
    • DSGN M275 Print Design & Narrative
    • DSGN M278 Typography Lab 1
    • DSGN M279 Typography Lab 2
    • Choose one of the following courses for 3 crs:
      • DSGN M276 Interactive Design 1
      • DSGN M326 Motion Design 1

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    Digital Filmmaking Program

    The School of Communication and Design offers the following program in Digital Filmmaking.

    Bachelor of Fine Arts in Digital Filmmaking

    The Department of Digital Filmmaking cultivates the skills students need to develop relationships, manage projects, and create original works in the medium of film. A list of Digital Filmmaking faculty and staff can be viewed on the department website.

    Digital Filmmaking

    The Bachelor of Fine Arts - Digital Filmmaking major is a 120 semester credit hour academic program. Students will complete Loyola Core requirements, major requirements, Film Colloquium requirements, and general electives. Completion of this academic program requires a 2.0 GPA in the major curriculum and a 2.0 GPA in the Loyola cumulative curriculum.

    • Overview of requirements: 120 credit hours (crs) required for completion
      • Loyola Core: 39 crs
      • Film Colloquium: 8 crs (1 cr per semester)
      • Digital Filmmaking major: 66 crs
      • Electives: 7 crs 
      • Progression regulations
    • Loyola Core - majors complete the full scope of the Loyola Core with 39 crs in Loyola Core requirement areas. Modifications include:
      • Creative Arts & Cultures requirement is satisfied by FILM M245 in the major curriculum.
    • FILM M100 Film Colloquium (1 cr). Digital Filmmaking majors must enroll in this course for each of 8 semesters, for a total of 8 crs. 
    • Film Business Area - complete the following courses for 12 crs: 
      • FILM M110 Intro to the Business of Film
      • FILM M120 Development & Distribution
      • MUIN M201 Music Industry Legal Issues
      • FILM M297 Film Internship Preparation (1 cr)
      • FILM M397 Film Internship (2 cr)
    • Story Development Area - complete the following courses for 6 crs: 
      • FILM M213 Screenwriting I
      • FILM M214 Screenwriting II
    • Production Area - complete the following courses for 21 crs: 
      • FILM M115 Intro to Digital Filmmaking
      • FILM M215 Cinematography
      • FILM M220 Audio for Film & Television
      • FILM M225 Script to Screen
      • FILM M255 Film Production Design
      • FILM M315 Directing for Camera
      • FILM M340 Documentary Filmmaking
    • Post-Production Area - complete the following courses for 9 crs: 
      • FILM M230 Digital Editing
      • FILM M410 Post-Production Supervision
      • FILM M420 Post-Production Workshop in Sound
    • Film Studies - complete the following courses for 6 crs: 
      • FILM M245 History of Film
      • FILM M250 Film Theory & Process
    • Senior Project - complete two semesters of Senior Project for 6 crs total
      • FILM M450 Senior Film Project
    • Film Electives - complete 6 crs of coursework under FILM M345 Concepts in Cinema banner (variable topics) or other FILM courses approved by an advisor and/or chair. 
    • Electives - complete 7 crs of electives to complete the program. Students can satisfy these requirements with any Loyola courses they are eligible to take which are not already required in the Loyola Core, Major, or Adjunct curriculums. For students pursuing a double major or an academic minor, the curriculum for those programs would be assigned from the credits required for Electives.
    • Progression Requirements: 
      • Digital Filmmaking majors must demonstrate a basic content knowledge and functional proficiency at the end of each class year as follows: A grade of C- or better is required in all non-Loyola Core courses (i.e., courses pertaining to the FILM major). Students who lack such knowledge and proficiency will be advised to retake courses in which a grade less than C- was received.

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    Mass Communication Programs

    The School of Communication and Design offers the following programs and minors in Mass Communication:

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    Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication


    The Department of Journalism builds degrees on seven core courses and numerous discipline-specific electives to personalize each student’s journalism experience. A list of Journalism faculty and staff can be viewed on the department website.

    The Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication major with a concentration in Journalism is a 120 semester credit hour academic program. Students will complete Loyola Core requirements, Mass Communication major core requirements, Journalism sequence requirements, and general electives. Students in this program are required to pursue an academic minor, which will draw from general electives. Completion of this academic program requires a 2.0 GPA in the major curriculum and a 2.0 GPA in the Loyola cumulative curriculum.

    • Overview of requirements: 120 credit hours (crs) required for completion
      • Loyola Core: 39 crs
      • Mass Communication Core: 18 crs 
      • Journalism Sequence: 24 crs
      • Electives: 39 crs
    • Loyola Core - majors complete the full scope of the Loyola Core with 39 crs in Loyola Core requirement areas. Modifications include:
      • Social Science requirement is satisfied in the Mass Communication Core 
    • Mass Communication Core - complete the following courses for 18 crs: 
      • CMMN A100 Intro to Mass Communication
      • CMMN A101 Communications Writing
      • CMMN A201 Digital Communication
      • CMMN A284 Seminar in Mass Communication Ethics & Diversity 
      • CMMN A401 Law of Mass Communication
      • CMMN A291 Mass Communication Internship I (1 cr) 
      • CMMN A492 Senior Seminar in Mass Communication (1 cr) 
      • CMMN A493 Mass Communication Internship II (1 cr)
    • Journalism sequence - complete the following courses for 24 crs: 
      • CMMN A250 Journalism 
      • CMMN A265 Photography
      • CMMN A266 Videography
      • CMMN A350 Advanced Journalism
      • CMMN A490 Journalism Capstone
    • Major Electives or Emphasis Area for 9 crs, selected in consultation with an advisor. 
    • Electives - complete 39 crs of electives to complete the Bachelor of Arts program. Students can satisfy these requirements with any Loyola courses they are eligible to take which are not already required in the Loyola Core, Major, or Adjunct curriculums. For students pursuing a double major or an academic minor, the curriculum for those programs would be assigned from the credits required for Electives. The Mass Communication faculty strongly encourage the completion of SPCH A100 Fundamentals of Speech as part of this area. 
    • Journalism majors are required to have an academic minor, a set of courses in a field of study outside Mass Communication. This program will draw from the credits required for Electives.
    • No more than 48 hours in Mass Communication courses may be counted toward the 120 hours needed for the degree.

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    Strategic Communication

    The Department of Strategic Communication offers academic study in advertising, public relations, and visual communication. Students in advertising and public relations take a core of courses including strategic contention creation, layout and design, research methods, media planning, and a capstone. A list of Strategic Communication faculty and staff can be viewed on the department website.


    The Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication major with a concentration in Advertising is a 120 semester credit hour academic program. Students will complete Loyola Core requirements, Mass Communication major core requirements, Advertising sequence requirements, and electives. Students in this program are required to pursue an academic minor, which will draw from general electives. Completion of this academic program requires a 2.0 GPA in the major curriculum and a 2.0 GPA in the Loyola cumulative curriculum.

    • Overview of requirements: 120 credit hours (crs) required for completion
      • Loyola Core: 39 crs
      • Mass Communication Core: 18 crs 
      • Advertising Sequence: 24 crs
      • Electives: 39 crs
    • Loyola Core - majors complete the full scope of the Loyola Core with 39 crs in Loyola Core requirement areas. Modifications include:
      • Social Science requirement is satisfied in the Mass Communication Core 
    • Mass Communication Core - complete the following courses for 18 crs: 
      • CMMN A100 Intro to Mass Communication
      • CMMN A101 Communications Writing
      • CMMN A201 Digital Communications
      • CMMN A284 Seminar in Mass Communication Ethics & Diversity 
      • CMMN A401 Law of Mass Communication
      • CMMN A291 Mass Communication Internship I (1 cr) 
      • CMMN A492 Senior Seminar in Mass Communication (1 cr) 
      • CMMN A493 Mass Communication Internship II (1 cr)
    • Advertising sequence - complete the following courses for 24 crs: 
      • CMMN A260 Layout & Design
      • CMMN A310 Advertising
      • CMMN A313 Advertising Media Planning
      • CMMN A326 Research in Advertising & PR
      • CMMN A336 Strategic Content Creation
      • Choose one of the following courses for 3 crs: 
        • CMMN A415 Advanced Advertising Campaigns
        • CMMN A486 Brand Lab
    • Major Electives or Emphasis Area for 6 crs, selected in consultation with an advisor.
    • Electives - complete 39 crs of electives to complete the Bachelor of Arts program. Students can satisfy these requirements with any Loyola courses they are eligible to take which are not already required in the Loyola Core, Major, or Adjunct curriculums. For students pursuing a double major or an academic minor, the curriculum for those programs would be assigned from the credits required for Electives. The Mass Communication faculty strongly encourage the completion of SPCH A100 Fundamentals of Speech as part of this area. 
    • Advertising majors are required to have an academic minor, a set of courses in a field of study outside Mass Communication. This program will draw from the credits required for Electives.
    • No more than 48 hours in Mass Communication courses may be counted toward the 120 hours needed for the degree.

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    Public Relations

    The Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication major with a concentration in Public Relations is a 120 semester credit hour academic program. Students will complete Loyola Core requirements, Mass Communication major core requirements, Public Relations sequence requirements, and electives. Students in this program are required to pursue an academic minor, which will draw from general electives. Completion of this academic program requires a 2.0 GPA in the major curriculum and a 2.0 GPA in the Loyola cumulative curriculum.

    • Overview of requirements: 120 credit hours (crs) required for completion
      • Loyola Core: 39 crs
      • Mass Communication Core: 18 crs 
      • Public Relations Sequence: 24 crs
      • Electives: 39 crs
    • Loyola Core - majors complete the full scope of the Loyola Core with 39 crs in Loyola Core requirement areas. Modifications include:
      • Social Science requirement is satisfied in the Mass Communication Core 
    • Mass Communication Core - complete the following courses for 18 crs: 
      • CMMN A100 Intro to Mass Communication
      • CMMN A101 Communications Writing
      • CMMN A201 Digital Communications
      • CMMN A284 Seminar in Mass Communication Ethics & Diversity 
      • CMMN A401 Law of Mass Communication
      • CMMN A291 Mass Communication Internship I (1 cr) 
      • CMMN A492 Senior Seminar in Mass Communication (1 cr) 
      • CMMN A493 Mass Communication Internship II (1 cr)
    • Public Relations sequence - complete the following courses for 24 crs: 
      • CMMN A260 Layout & Design
      • CMMN A316 Public Relations
      • CMMN A313 Advertising Media Planning
      • CMMN A326 Research in Advertising & PR
      • CMMN A336 Strategic Content Creation
      • Choose one of the following courses for 3 crs: 
        • CMMN A419 Advanced Public Relations
        • CMMN A486 Brand Lab
    • Major Electives or Emphasis Area for 6 crs, selected in consultation with an advisor.
    • Electives - complete 39 crs of electives to complete the Bachelor of Arts program. Students can satisfy these requirements with any Loyola courses they are eligible to take which are not already required in the Loyola Core, Major, or Adjunct curriculums. For students pursuing a double major or an academic minor, the curriculum for those programs would be assigned from the credits required for Electives. The Mass Communication faculty strongly encourage completion of SPCH A100 Fundamentals of Speech as part of this area. 
    • Public Relations majors are required to have an academic minor, a set of courses in a field of study outside Mass Communication. This program will draw from the credits required for Electives. 
    • No more than 48 hours in Mass Communication courses may be counted toward the 120 hours needed for the degree.

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    Visual Communication

    The Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication major with a concentration in Visual Communication is a 120 semester credit hour academic program. Students will complete Loyola Core requirements, Mass Communication major core requirements, Visual Communication sequence requirements, and electives. Students in this program are required to pursue an academic minor, which will draw from general electives. Completion of this academic program requires a 2.0 GPA in the major curriculum and a 2.0 GPA in the Loyola cumulative curriculum.

    • Overview of requirements: 120 credit hours (crs) required for completion
      • Loyola Core: 39 crs
      • Mass Communication Core: 18 crs 
      • Visual Communication Sequence: 24 crs
      • Electives: 39 crs
    • Loyola Core - majors complete the full scope of the Loyola Core with 39 crs in Loyola Core requirement areas. Modifications include:
      • Social Science requirement is satisfied in the Mass Communication Core 
    • Mass Communication Core for Visual Communication program - complete the following courses for 18 crs: 
      • CMMN A100 Intro to Mass Communication
      • CMMN A101 Communications Writing
      • DSGN M202 Introduction to Design
      • CMMN A284 Seminar in Mass Communication Ethics & Diversity
      • CMMN A401 Law of Mass Communication
      • CMMN A291 Mass Communication Internship I (1 cr) 
      • CMMN A492 Senior Seminar in Mass Communication (1 cr) 
      • CMMN A493 Mass Communication Internship II (1 cr)
    • Visual Communications sequence - complete the following courses for 24 crs: 
      • CMMN A265 Photography
      • CMMN A266 Videography
      • CMMN A382 Social Media Strategies
      • DSGN M275 Print Design & Narrative
      • DSGN M278 Typography Lab 1
      • DSGN M279 Typography Lab 2
      • Choose one of the following courses for 3 crs: 
        • CMMN A415 Advanced Advertising Campaigns
        • CMMN A419 Advanced Public Relations
        • CMMN A486 Brand Lab
    • ​​​​​​Major Electives or Emphasis Area for 3 crs, selected in consultation with an advisor. 
    • Electives - complete 39 crs of electives to complete the Bachelor of Arts program. Students can satisfy these requirements with any Loyola courses they are eligible to take which are not already required in the Loyola Core, Major, or Adjunct curriculums. For students pursuing a double major or an academic minor, the curriculum for those programs would be assigned from the credits required for Electives. The Mass Communication faculty strongly encourage completion of SPCH A100 Fundamentals of Speech as part of this area. 
    • Visual Communication majors are required to have an academic minor, a set of courses in a field of study outside Mass Communication. This program will draw from the credits required for Electives.
    • No more than 48 hours in Mass Communication courses may be counted toward the 120 hours needed for the degree.

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    Bachelor of Arts in Communications - Online program

    The Bachelor of Arts in Communications is a 120 credit hour online academic program.  Students will complete Loyola Core requirements, Mass Communications major core requirements, major electives, and general electives.  Completion of this academic program requires a 2.0 GPA in the major curriculum and a 2.0 GPA in the Loyola cumulative curriculum.  This program does not require an academic minor.

    • Overview of requirements:  120 credit hours (crs) required for completion
      • Loyola Core:  36 crs
      • Communications major:  39 crs
      • Electives:  45 crs
    • Loyola Core - majors complete the full scope of the Loyola Core with 39 crs in Loyola Core requirement areas. Modifications include:
      • First-Year Seminar requirement is replaced with 3 crs of General Electives
      • Social Science requirement is satisfied in the Mass Communication Core
    • Communications Major - complete the following courses for 39 crs:  
      • CMMN A100 Intro to Mass Communication
      • CMMN A101 Communications Writing
      • CMMN A201 Digital Communication
      • CMMN A260 Introduction to Layout and Design 
      • CMMN A284 Seminar in Mass Communication Ethics & Diversity 
      • CMMN A292 Mass Communication Internship Online
      • CMMN A369 Documentary Photography
      • CMMN A382 Social Media Strategies
      • CMMN A401 Law of Mass Communication
    • Major electives for 12 crs, selected in consultation with an advisor
    • Electives - complete 45 crs of electives to complete the Bachelor of Arts program. Students can satisfy these requirements with any Loyola courses they are eligible to take which are not already required in the Loyola Core, Major, or Adjunct curriculums. For students pursuing a double major or an academic minor, the curriculum for those programs would be assigned from the credits required for Electives. The Mass Communication faculty strongly encourage completion of SPCH A100 Fundamentals of Speech as part of this area. 

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    Mass Communication - Minors

    Loyola students who are not Mass Communication majors can add a Mass Communication minor to their curriculum. Mass Communication minors require 18 credit hours taken as part of or in addition to the General Electives area of a student’s undergraduate program. Successful completion of an academic minor requires a 2.0 GPA or higher in the minor curriculum.

    Communication Minor

    Students complete the following courses for 18 crs:

    • CMMN A100 Intro to Mass Communication
    • CMMN A101 Communications Writing
    • CMMN A201 Digital Communication
    • Communications electives for 9 crs, CMMN courses selected in consultation with a minor advisor. Courses cannot be Loyola Core courses. CMMN T121 can be applied towards CMMN electives. 

    Environmental Communication Minor

    Students complete the following courses for 18 crs: 

    • CMMN A100 Intro to Mass Communication
    • CMMN A101 Communications Writing
    • CMMN A371 Covering the Environmental Beat
    • CMMN A475 Environmental Communication
    • Communications electives for 6 crs. CMMN courses selected in consultation with a minor advisor. Courses cannot be Loyola Core courses. CMMN T121 can be applied towards CMMN electives.

    Social Media Minor

    Students complete the following courses for 18 crs: 

    • CMMN A101 Communications Writing
    • CMMN A201 Digital Communication
    • CMMN A265 Photography
    • CMMN A266 Videography
    • CMMN A382 Social Media Strategies
    • CMMN A291 Mass Communication Internship 1 (1 cr)
    • Communications electives for 2 crs. CMMN courses selected in consultation with a minor advisor. Courses cannot be Loyola Core courses. CMMN T121 can be applied towards CMMN electives.

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    Communication & Design - University Honors Program

    Participation in the University Honors Program is available to any eligible student pursuing a School of Communication & Design major. Students who meet Honors Program admission requirements can complete their program with the Honors Curriculum taking the place of the Loyola Core and completing the Honors Thesis requirement as part of their curriculum. Completion of the Honors Program academic program requires a 3.3 GPA in the student’s Loyola cumulative curriculum.

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