Loyola Institute for Ministry (LIM) programs equip you for jobs in chaplaincy, teaching, or church and non-profit work. On their own or as part of dual degrees with Business, Counseling, or Criminal Justice, they can help you see work in any field as a ministry and so help you live out your baptismal call to Christian action that offers hope and healing to a world in such need today.
The Loyola Institute for Ministry (LIM) offers graduate academic programs and graduate certificate programs in three formats: on campus, online, and at extension sites in cooperation with a local sponsoring agency. Students may also study in the online and on-campus programs on a non-degree basis for individual courses.
- Academic Programs
- Academic Regulations for LIM
- Admissions Policies for LIM
- CEUs to Credit Hour Conversions
- North Carolina Statement
- Spanish-Language Program Policies and Services / Normas y Procedimientos del Programa LIM en Espanol
- Student Services
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Academic Programs
LIM offers the following graduate academic programs and graduate level certificates.
- Master of Pastoral Studies or Certificate in Pastoral Studies
- Master of Religious Education or Certificate in Religious Education
- Certificate in Spirituality, Continuing Education
- Certificate in Theology and Ministry, Graduate or Continuing Education
- Certificate in Spiritual Fitness and Resiliency, Continuing Education
- Certificado de Educación Continua en Teología y Ministerio
- Dual Degrees
- Post-Master's Certificate in Pastoral Studies or Advanced Continuing Education Certificate in Pastoral Studies
- Post-Master's Certificate in Religious Education or Advanced Continuing Education Certificate in Religious Education
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Academic Regulations for LIM
LIM adheres to all University regulations as set forth in the Regulations section of this University Bulletin, with the following department-specific modifications.
- Academic Advising
- Academic Expectations
- Academic Probation
- Attendance & Participation
- Change of Academic Status
- Incomplete Grade
- Practicum
- Refund Policy
- Transfer Credit
- Withdrawal from Courses
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Academic Advising
Upon admission, all LIM students are assigned an academic advisor. The name of the academic advisor can be found in a student's records on LORA. Advisors are available for consultation throughout the student's academic career. Students in the extension program may also contact the instructor of record for each course in which they are enrolled or clarification of course content.
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Academic Expectations
Graduate students must complete readings, papers, examinations, or other work assigned for evaluation. Continuing education students complete all assigned reading and fully participate in class activities and generally do not complete papers, examinations, or other work assigned for evaluation of graduate students. In some courses, CEU students must submit special CEU written assignments.
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Academic Probation
LIM students must adhere to the Graduate Grading Scale. In order to remain in good standing, a graduate student must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher in Loyola University graduate coursework. A course in which the student has earned a grade of less than a C cannot be counted toward the completion of the course but will be used in determining the student’s grade point average. A student who earns below a C in a graduate course, or whose cumulative grade point average falls below 3.0, will be placed on academic probation in accordance with University academic actions rules for graduate students.
Students admitted under the conditional status are admitted on academic probation and will be notified of their probationary status in their letter of admission.
A student on probation has six hours or two semesters (whichever comes first) to remove the academic deficiency. If the deficiency is not removed in the allotted time, the student can be academically dismissed from the program as a graduate student, subject to the decision of the Provost.
- Upon receipt of grade reports from the Office of the Registrar, the institute will notify students who have been placed on academic probation.
- Conditionally admitted students who do not remove their academic deficiency in the allotted time may be academically dismissed from the university as a graduate student, subject to the decision of the Provost.
- A probationary student who fails to make up their academic deficiency in the six hours or two semesters will be excluded from the university as a graduate student, subject to the decision of the Provost.
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Attendance & Participation
Students are subject to the university policy regarding attendance. Students in online courses communicate their presence by active participation in weekly discussions. Each course’s instructor sets requirements for how many times students must post on the Discussion Board in Canvas. Failing to post during the first week of class may result in removal from the course. If you foresee that you will be unable to post in a given week, please contact the instructor ahead of time. Extensions for posting are given at the instructor’s discretion and for a valid reason may be granted if arranged ahead of time. In extraordinary circumstances, students may arrange with their instructor to post up to two weeks after a deadline, though this may entail a grade reduction. Posts submitted more than two weeks late may be subject to a grade of zero. If students do not post in a given week, they are considered absent. Absence for more than one week without contacting the instructor may result in removal from and failure of the course.
For students in the extension program, attendance is compulsory. Courses generally require at least 10 meetings to carry out a three-hour learning design provided by the institute. In the event of illness or emergency, a student who misses up to three sessions may make these sessions up and remain in the course. Any request for a waiver of this policy must be put in writing. A student who engages in behavior which is disruptive to the learning group environment is in violation of the Learning Group Agreement and Loyola policy. Such conduct may cause removal from that learning group and can result in removal from the course with a grade of W. A second such disruption may result in suspension or academic dismissal from the university. The student has the right to appeal the decision in accord with Loyola policy.
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Change of Academic Status
Students may change from graduate status in the program to continuing education status by written request. Continuing education students may apply to the LIM admissions office for graduate status, subject to the standard graduate admissions requirements for subsequent coursework. Either change of status must occur only between courses or semesters. Students have the option of changing their status only once during their course of study.
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Incomplete Grade Policy
Students are subject to the university policy regarding incomplete grades with the following additions to university policy. Grades of Incomplete are given at the instructor's discretion. Students must complete LIM's Incomplete Grade Request Form found in the Resources section of their Canvas course. By the due date of the course's final assignment, students must complete and obtain all signatures for LIM's Incomplete Grade Request Form found in the Resources section of their Canvas course and submit it to their instructor, who will forward a copy to the LIM Director. Undergraduate students in RELM courses may not receive Incompletes in RELM courses in consecutive 8-week terms. LIM graduate students may not receive Incompletes in consecutive semesters.
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Students enrolled in the Master of Pastoral Studies program who select the Pastoral Care Focus Area complete LIM-G897 Practicum in lieu of LIM-G886 Pastoral and Education Praxis. Students complete one unit of Clinical Pastoral Education from an accredited site. (Available accredited sites for CPE may be found through the Association for Clinical Pastoral Education website). Students schedule to take LIM-G897 Practicum during the semester in which they will complete 1 unit of CPE. Through the Practicum course, Loyola faculty will meet regularly with students to engage in theological reflection on their CPE experience. Students schedule this course by contacting their advisor to communicate the semester in which the CPE is scheduled.
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Refund Policy
On-campus and online students are subject to the university policy regarding attendance. The university will comply with all state refund policies governing our online students studying in other states.
Students in the extension program also follow university policy regarding withdrawal. However, those who cancel or withdraw must complete an official LIM cancellation/withdrawal form located in their Canvas course.
For extension students, tuition refunds are made on the following schedule:
- If a student was not in attendance at the first session, a 100 percent refund is issued.
- If a student was not in attendance after the fifth session, a 50 percent refund is issued.
- If a student has a medical need to withdraw, they will work with our Office of Student Health to obtain a medical withdrawal.
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Transfer Credit
The Institute will consider an admitted student's written request for transfer of credit for graduate course work done in theology, religious education, pastoral ministry, or other relevant fields from an accredited institution, according to university graduate transfer credit policy. LIM will accept credit older than 5 years if the prospective student can provide the Institute with appropriate documentation for thorough review.
If transfer credit is accepted, the student must integrate the learning from the transferred courses into Pastoral and Educational Praxis, the program's capstone course.
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Withdrawal from Courses
Students are subject to the university policy regarding medical withdrawal from courses as explained in the Bulletin. For students in the extension program, the administrative withdrawal period ends with the fifth session of the course. Through this time, students may withdraw from a course and receive a W in the course. Failure to obtain a withdrawal will result in the grade of F.
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Admissions Policies for LIM
LIM adheres to all university regulations as set forth in the Regulations section of this University Bulletin, with the following department-specific modifications.
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Based upon the credential sought and the applicant's desired status as a graduate or continuing education student, the admission requirements include:
- A completed application form.
- For graduate-level applicants, a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university, with a minimum 2.5 GPA.
- For graduate-level applicants, submission of official transcripts sent to the institute directly from the college or university that awarded the bachelor’s degree, plus any coursework taken for academic credit beyond the bachelor’s degree.
- A three-page statement of educational purpose tailored to the individual mode of delivery — online, on-campus, or extension.
- Two recommendations attesting to the student’s capability for graduate study.
All materials should be submitted online or sent directly to the LIM office two months prior to the start of the student’s first course or semester. This allows time for transcripts and other supporting documents to reach the LIM admissions office and subsequently for the admissions committee to come to an admission decision. (International extension students not applying online have their materials sent directly to their administrative liaison at their sponsoring agency.) Transient admission may be granted for a student for his or her first term of studies if the admissions requirements are not fulfilled when his or her first course begins. A student must be fully admitted to be enrolled in his or her second semester of coursework.
- Additional details regarding the application requirements for online, on-campus, and extension programs.
- Additional details regarding the application requirements for the Spanish-language program.
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Continuing Education Units (CEU)
Students who participate under the continuing education status should have extensive ministry experience, often in diocesan, school, or parish leadership positions, and have the ability to do the graduate-level reading and discussion. Some CEU students lack the required bachelor’s degree to enroll for the graduate degree, while others already have graduate credentials and do not wish to earn another graduate degree. CEU students will receive continuing education units as defined by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. One credit hour equals one CEU. CEUs are recorded on an official Loyola transcript and kept in the permanent records of the university.
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Non-Baccalaureate Exception
As many as 15% of the students in the Master of Pastoral Studies and Master of Religious Education programs may be admitted to graduate study without a baccalaureate degree. A candidate applying to the program under this exception to the usual admission requirements must have at least 91 undergraduate credits total, including at least 6 undergraduate credits in English, at least 3 undergraduate credits in mathematics, and at least 3 undergraduate credits in science. The candidate's minimum GPA must be 3.0 or greater. In addition, the candidate must have at least five documented years of ministry experience. A candidate admitted under this exception would be admitted on probation.
In addition to submitting other required admissions material, a candidate is required to read a peer-reviewed theological essay of at least 10 pages and write a 4-5 page paper in response to the essay which must earn at least 85% when evaluated by a LIM-approved rubric.
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CEUs to Credit Hour Conversion
Students who have taken LIM courses at the CEU level may take the same or similar courses for undergraduate or graduate credit by paying the difference between what they originally paid for the CEU credit and the current cost of LIM’s undergraduate or graduate tuition according to the policies below.
Students Pursuing Undergraduate Credit
Students who do not have an undergraduate degree are able to pursue undergraduate credit at a reduced rate, which is the difference between what they paid for the CEU credit and what undergraduate credit currently costs. Students who earned CEU credit in the Spanish-language program are eligible to participate, though they must do so in English. To earn undergraduate credit, a student must be admitted to the Bachelor of Arts degree in Ministry and Theology and consult with an advisor about a course plan.
To complete the Bachelor of Arts degree in Ministry and Theology, students pay regular tuition rates for any courses beyond the number of CEU courses taken.
Students who have undergraduate credits earned at another institution may be able to transfer those credits. See the university undergraduate transfer regulations for more information.
Students Pursuing Graduate Credit Who Earned an Undergraduate Degree after Taking LIM Courses
Students who took CEU courses in either the English or Spanish-language programs and did not have an undergraduate degree when they did so, but subsequently earned an undergraduate degree, may take as many LIM graduate courses at the reduced rate as they took at the CEU rate but must pay regular tuition rates for any LIM graduate courses beyond the number of CEU courses taken.
Students Pursuing Graduate Credit Who Had an Undergraduate Degree while Taking LIM Courses
Students who took CEU courses in either the English or Spanish-language programs and had an undergraduate degree when they did so are able to take graduate-level courses for credit.
To do so, a student must be admitted to the Bachelor of Arts degree in Ministry and Theology and consult with an advisor about a course plan. Students pay regular tuition rates for any graduate-level courses beyond those taken at the CEU level.
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North Carolina Statement
Degree programs of study offered by Loyola University have been declared by the appropriate state authority exempt from the requirements for licensure, under provisions of North Carolina General Statutes Section (G.S.) 116-15 (d) for exemption from licensure with respect to religious education. Exemption from licensure is not based upon assessment of program quality under established licensing standards.
Student Complaints: The State Authorization Unit of the University of North Carolina System Office serves as the official state entity to receive complaints concerning post-secondary institutions that are authorized to operate in North Carolina. If students are unable to resolve a complaint through the institution’s grievance procedures, they can review the Student Complaint Policy (PDF) and submit their complaint using the online complaint form at https://studentcomplaints.northcarolina.edu/form.
For more information contact:
North Carolina Post-Secondary Education Complaints
223 S. West Street, Suite 1800
Raleigh, NC 27603
(919) 962-4550
To file a complaint with the Consumer Protection Division of the North Carolina Department of Justice, please visit The State Attorney General’s web page at: https://www.ncdoj.gov/complaint. North Carolina residents may call (877) 566-7226. Outside of North Carolina, please call (919) 716-6000. En Espanol (919) 716-0058. If you choose to mail a complaint, please use the following address:
Consumer Protection Division
Attorney General’s Office
Mail Service Center 9001
Raleigh, NC 27699-9001
For more information contact:
North Carolina Post-Secondary Education Complaints
223 S. West Street, Suite 1800
Raleigh, NC 27603
(919) 962-4550
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Spanish-Language Program Policies and Services /
Normas y Procedimientos del Programa LIM en Español
Normas para la asistencia
En el programa de extensión se exige la asistencia. Cada curso se reúne, por lo menos 10 veces, para desarrollar un diseño de aprendizaje de tres horas proporcionado por el instituto. En caso de enfermedad o emergencia, si un estudiante perdiera tres sesiones podría recuperarlas y permanecer en el curso.
Retiro de un curso
El período permitido por la administración, para retirarse de un curso, termina al finalizar la quinta sesión. Durante este período, los estudiantes pueden retirarse del curso y recibir una nota de “W”. En el caso de no obtener autorización para retirarse el estudiante recibirá una nota de “NC”.
Normas para Devolución
En algunos casos, los estudiantes que cancelan o se retiran de un curso tienen derecho a la devolución de un porcentaje del pago de su cuota de colegiatura. Los que cancelan o se retiran deben hacerlo, completando un formulario oficial de cancelación/retiro que se encuentra en su manual de regulaciones.
El solo hecho de dejar de asistir no constituye un retiro oficial. La fecha y las circunstancias del retiro oficial serán las que determinen la cantidad de la devolución. No habrá devoluciones cuando un estudiante ha sido suspendido o despedido por razones académicas, disciplinarias, o financieras. Las devoluciones de cuotas de colegiatura se hacen según las siguientes categorías:
- Falta de asistencia total, desde la primera sesión, devolución de un 100 por ciento, menos $50 de pago por gastos administrativos;
- Falta de asistencia hasta el final de la quinta sesión, devolución del 50 por ciento;
- Si el formulario de cancelación/retiro, por falta de asistencia, viene acompañado de una certificación médica, en cualquier momento del curso, una devolución del 100 por ciento.
Servicios para personas con discapacidades
Los estudiantes de esta extensión, con dificultades de aprendizaje, u otras discapacidades físicas o de cualquier otra clase, pueden ponerse en contacto con la oficina de Accessible Education de Loyola para obtener información sobre los servicios y alojamientos disponibles.
Todos los contactos y la información suministrada son confidenciales. Para recibir cualquier servicio o alojamiento razonable, se pedirá a los estudiantes que presenten documentación relacionada con su dificultad de aprendizaje o discapacidad física. Hay copias de las reglamentaciones de la Universidad disponibles en la oficina de Accessible Education.
Servicios de biblioteca
Cualquier estudiante de extensión puede venir a la Universidad de Loyola, usar los catálogos, las impresoras y los índices electrónicos, y otros materiales disponibles para uso de los estudiantes de Loyola. Los privilegios y condiciones para el préstamo son los mismos para todos los estudiantes. Los estudiantes de extensión, que tengan acceso a Internet, pueden tambien usar los catálogos y los índices electrónicos desde su casa.
Aprendiendo la disciplina de grupo
Un estudiante involucrado en algún tipo de conducta negativa que entorpezca el ambiente de aprendizaje de grupo está contraviniendo el Acuerdo de Aprendizaje de Grupo y las normas de Loyola. Esta clase de comportamiento puede ser motivo para su remoción de ese grupo de aprendizaje, y puede tener como consecuencia que se le despida del curso, con una nota de “W”. Una segunda alteración del orden puede dar como resultado una suspensión o despido de la universidad. El estudiante tiene el derecho de apelar esa decisión, de conformidad con las normas de Loyola.
Reglamento de admisión
En relación con el reglamento de admisión por favor, vea los requisitos de admisión.
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Student Services
LIM students have access to Loyola University's variety of student services, including the following areas:
Accessible Education
Students with learning, physical, or other disabilities may contact the Office for Accessible Education at Loyola for information on the services and accommodations that are available. All contacts and information provided are confidential. In order to receive any reasonable special services or accommodations, students will be asked to provide documentation of the learning or physical disability.
Library Services
Loyola’s Monroe Library provides a full range of services including borrowing privileges, electronic article and book access, and one-on-one research assistance. Borrowing privileges are the same for online, extension, and on-campus students, and the circulation desk will issue bar codes for any students wishing to borrow materials from Loyola’s libraries. Distance Learning Services are explained on the library’s website and in the LIM Guide to Written Theological Reflection, a resource that is available to LIM students. Students may contact Distance Library Services by emailing libref@loyno.edu or by dialing (504) 864-7152 or (504) 864-7138 during business hours. When contacting Distance Library services, students should indicate whether they are LIM students in the online or extension program.
Additionally, extension students may have access to a professional local library established by its sponsoring agency. The institute recommends that this local library include the books on the theological core course bibliographies.
Writing Assistance
Writing and Learning Services provides LIM on-campus and online students with free assistance with writing assignments. The service gives students the chance to confer with a trained writing consultant on all phases of the writing process. See the Office of Writing and Learning Services site for further information regarding on-campus and online services; scroll down the page until you see "Writing Support for Graduate and Distance Learners." Detailed information on the writing service is also found in the LIM Guide to Written Theological Reflection, a resource that is available to LIM students.
In conjunction with Writing and Learning Services, the extension program’s writing consultant provides LIM extension students with free assistance with writing assignments. The service gives students the chance to confer with a trained writing consultant on all phases of the writing process. Students in the extension program may contact a writing consultant by calling the LIM office or e-mailing the consultant at limwrite@loyno.edu.
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