Dual Degrees

Dual degrees are available at Loyola University New Orleans through academic programs specifically coordinated between multiple colleges or departments. Students within a dual degree program will complete requirements for both programs, often with articulated requirements shared between the two, and receive two credentials upon completion of the program. Requirements for both programs must be completed to be awarded the dual degree. Completion of only one part of a dual degree will result in the award of that degree only if all requirements of the individual degree as an independent program have been met to the satisfaction of faculty review. Academic regulations and requirements of both programs, including GPA minimums and progression requirements, must be maintained. Graduate course descriptions can be viewed in the Course Catalog.

Participating dual degree programs include: 

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Dual Graduate Degree Programs

With the successful completion of dual graduate degree programs, students will be awarded two graduate-level credentials. 

Master of Business Administration / Master of Criminology & Justice (MBA / MCJ)

The Master of Business Administration / Master of Criminology & Justice dual degree is a 60 credit hour, graduate level program facilitated through both the College of Business and the Department of Criminology and Justice. 

  • Foundation Courses (3-6 credit hours) 
    • BA B704 Ethics and Social Justice 
    • BA B601 Applied Business Mathematics: Waived for graduates from any AACSB accredited Business school or STEM designated degree program with CGPA of 3.0 or higher
  • Master of Business Administration (MBA) Core. Students complete the following courses for 18 credit hours: 
    • ACCT B715 Financial & Managerial Accounting
    • BUAN B725 Managerial Economics & Statistics
    • FIN B700 Financial Management
    • MGT B700 Organizational Leadership
    • MGT B705 Strategic Communication
    • MKT B700 Strategic Marketing
  • MBA Elective. Students complete 3 crs of business electives in consultation with an advisor if waived out of BA B601
  • Dynamic Capstone (6 credit hours)
    • BA B750 Competitive Strategy 
    • BA B855 Experiential Consulting Practicum
  • Master of Criminology & Justice. Students complete the following courses for 30 crs: 
    • MCJ Core Courses for 12 crs: 
      • CRIM A700 Theories of Criminal Behavior
      • CRIM A710 Research & Statistical Methods
      • CRIM A712 Graduate Statistics
      • CRIM A805 Program Planning, Implementation, & Evaluation
    • CRIM A705 Seminar in Criminal Justice
    • CRIM A718 Seminar in Criminal Justice Administration 1
    • CRIM A800 Selected Problems in Criminal Justice
    • CRIM A850 Seminar in Criminology
    • CRIM A893 Directed Readings in Criminal Justice
    • CRIM A900 Master’s Research & Practicum

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Master of Business Administration / Master of Pastoral Studies (MBA / MPS) 

The total number of credits for the dual degree is 60. Upon completion of this program, the student will be awarded two separate degrees. The requirements for both must be completed before either degree can be awarded. The student must be admitted separately to and enrolled in both degree programs simultaneously in order to take advantage of the tuition and credit hour discounts.

Students failing to meet all of the requirements of the program are awarded the Master of Business Administration or Master of Pastoral Studies degree only if they fulfill the complete, non-reduced requirements for the individual degree as outlined in the Loyola Institute for Ministry or College of Business bulletins, respectively.

Students must register for BA B750 Competitive Strategy (Capstone) in their last semester of enrollment in the College of Business. 

  • Overview of requirements: 60 credit hours (crs) required for completion
    • MBA Foundation: 3-6 crs
    • MBA Core: 18 crs
    • MBA Elective: 0-3 crs
    • MBA Dynamic Capstone: 6 crs
    • MPS Theological Core: 18 crs
    • MPS Focus Area: 6 crs
    • MPS Elective: 3 crs
    • MPS Capstone Course: 3 crs
  • Foundation Courses (3-6 credit hours) 
    • BA B704 Ethics and Social Justice 
    • BA B601 Applied Business Mathematics: Waived for graduates from any AACSB accredited Business school or STEM designated degree program with CGPA of 3.0 or higher
  • MBA Core: students complete 18 crs of MBA core courses. These courses are:
    • ACCT B715 Financial & Managerial Accounting
    • BUAN B725 Managerial Economics & Statistics
    • FIN B700 Financial Management
    • MGT B705 Strategic Communication
    • MGT B700 Organizational Leadership
    • MKT B700 Strategic Marketing
  • MBA Elective: MPS / MBA dual degree students complete 3 crs of electives in consultation with an advisor if waived out of BA B601. 
  • Dynamic Capstone (6 credit hours)
    • BA B750 Competitive Strategy 
    • BA B855 Experiential Consulting Practicum
  • MPS Theological Core: MPS / MBA dual degree students complete 18 crs of theological core courses. These courses are: 
    • LIM 703 Introduction to Practical Theology
    • LIM 704 Spirituality, Morality, and Ethics
    • LIM 711 Jewish Roots of Christian Faith (Old Testament)
    • LIM 712 Christian Origins (New Testament)
    • LIM 714 Grace, Christ, and Spirit
    • LIM 722 Church, Sacraments, and Liturgy
  • MPS Focus Area: MPS / MBA dual degree students complete 6 crs of focus courses, selecting 2 of the courses below.
    • LIM G819 Spirituality and the Theology of Work
    • LIM G820 Ministry in the Marketplace
    • LIM G844 Parish Life and Ministry
    • LIM G845 Contemporary Issues in Pastoral Ministry
  • MPS Elective: MPS/MBA dual degree students complete 3 crs of electives in consultation with an advisor. 
  • MPS Capstone: MPS/MBA dual degree students complete:  
    • LIM G886 Pastoral and Educational Praxis

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Master of Criminology & Justice / Master of Pastoral Studies (MCJ / MPS)

The total number of credits for the dual degree is 60. Upon completion of this program, the student will be awarded two separate degrees. The student must be admitted separately to and be enrolled in both degree programs simultaneously in order to take advantage of the tuition and credit hour discounts.
Students failing to meet all of the requirements of the program are awarded the Master of Pastoral Studies or Master of Criminal Justice degree only if they fulfill the complete, non-reduced requirements for the individual degree as outlined in the Loyola Institute for Ministry or Department of Criminology and Justice bulletins, respectively.
Students who enter the joint MPS/MCJ degree program should take the Loyola Institute for Ministry course LIM 703 Introduction to Practical Theology as early as possible

  • Overview of requirements - 60 crs total
    • Loyola Institute for Ministry courses: 30 crs
    • Criminology and Justice courses: 30 crs
  • Loyola Institute for Ministry Courses - students complete the following courses for 30 crs
    • LIM 703 Introduction to Practical Theology
    • LIM 704 Spirituality, Morality, and Ethics
    • LIM 711 Jewish Roots of Christian Faith (Old Testament)
    • LIM 712 Christian Origins (New Testament)
    • LIM 714 Grace, Christ, and Spirit
    • LIM 841 Religion, Crime, and Justice
    • LIM 849 Introduction to Pastoral Care and Counseling
    • LIM 886 Pastoral and Educational Praxis
    • LIM elective chosen in consultation with an advisor
  • Criminology and Justice Courses: students complete the following courses 30 crs:
    • CRIM A700 Theories of Criminal Behavior
    • CRIM A705 Seminar in Criminal Justice
    • CRIM A710 Research and Statistical Methods
    • CRIM A712 Graduate Statistics
    • CRIM A718 Seminar in Criminal Justice Administration I
    • CRIM A800 Selected Problems in Criminal Justice
    • CRIM A805 Program Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation
    • CRIM A850 Seminar in Criminology
    • CRIM A893 Directed Readings in Criminal Justice
    • CRIM A900 Master's Research and Practicum

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Master of Criminology & Justice / Master of Science in Counseling (MCJ / MS) 

The Master of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling / Master of Criminology & Justice is a 75 credit hour, dual degree program facilitated through both the Department of Counseling and Department of Criminology & Justice. 

  • Required Counseling Courses - students complete the following courses for 48 crs: 
    • CNSL A702 Research & Statistical Methods in Counseling
    • CNSL A704 Research Writing Lab (1 cr) 
    • CNSL A706 Philosophy & Counseling
    • CNSL A725 Lifespan Development
    • CNSL A776 Clinical Assessment & Psychometrics
    • CNSL A830 Counseling Theories
    • CNSL A835 Introduction to Counseling
    • CNSL A836 Individual Counseling Skills Lab (1 cr)
    • CNSL A840 Group Counseling
    • CNSL A841 Career Counseling
    • CNSL A842 Multicultural Counseling
    • CNSL A843 Group Counseling Skills Lab (1 cr)
    • CNSL A855 Diagnostics in Counseling
    • CNSL A863 Fundamentals of Practicum & Internship 
    • CNSL A864 Ethics in Individual, Marriage, & Family Counseling
    • CNSL A865 Counseling Practicum
    • CNSL A866 Counseling Internship
    • CNSL A866 Internship 2
  • Counseling Elective Course - students complete 3 crs from the following list of courses, selected in consultation with an advisor: 
    • CNSL A825 Human Sexuality
    • CNSL A837 Child Counseling: Play Therapy
    • CNSL A845 Addiction Counseling
    • CNSL A848 Play Therapy Theories
    • CNSL A849 Activity Group Therapy
    • CNSL A850 Introduction to Family Counseling
    • CNSL A851 School Counseling
    • CNSL A852 Marriage & Couples Counseling
    • CNSL A853 Child/Parent Relationship Therapy
    • CNSL A856 Clinical Thanatology: Death & Dying
    • CNSL A857 Psychopathology in Counseling
    • CNSL A858 Scholarship in Counseling
    • CNSL A862 Family Systems
    • CNSL A868 Crisis Intervention
  • Required Criminology & Justice courses - students complete the following courses for 15 crs: 
    • CRIM A705 Seminar in Criminal Justice
    • CRIM A712 Graduate Statistics
    • CRIM A718 Seminar in Criminal Justice Administration I
    • CRIM A850 Seminar in Criminology
    • CRIM A893 Directed Readings in Criminal Justice
  • CRIM Replacements for CNSL Electives - students complete the following courses for 9 crs: 
    • CRIM A700 Theories of Criminal Behavior
    • CRIM A800 Selected Problems in Criminal Justice
    • CRIM A805 Program Planning, Implementation, & Evaluation

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Master of Music Therapy / Master of Science in Counseling (MMT / MS) 

The Master of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling / Master of Music Therapy is a 75 credit hour, dual degree program facilitated through both the Department of Counseling and School of Music & Theatre Professions. 

The dual degree is designed for individuals who have an undergraduate degree in music therapy and hold the credential "Music Therapist-Board Certified" (MT-BC). A student who wishes to pursue this dual degree program who has an undergraduate degree in music but not music therapy must complete the requirements of the MMT Equivalency program, available in the School of Music and Theatre Professions section of the Bulletin. Students may be able to begin counseling coursework while completing equivalency work. The MMT degree is offered online.

  • Required Counseling Courses - students complete the following courses for 48 crs: 
    • CNSL A702 Research & Statistical Methods in Counseling
    • CNSL A704 Research Writing Lab (1 cr) 
    • CNSL A706 Philosophy & Counseling
    • CNSL A725 Lifespan Development
    • CNSL A776 Clinical Assessment & Psychometrics
    • CNSL A830 Counseling Theories
    • CNSL A835 Introduction to Counseling
    • CNSL A836 Individual Counseling Skills Lab (1 cr)
    • CNSL A840 Group Counseling
    • CNSL A841 Career Counseling
    • CNSL A842 Multicultural Counseling
    • CNSL A843 Group Counseling Skills Lab (1 cr)
    • CNSL A855 Diagnostics in Counseling
    • CNSL A863 Fundamentals of Practicum & Internship 
    • CNSL A864 Ethics in Individual, Marriage, & Family Counseling
    • CNSL A865 Counseling Practicum
    • CNSL A866 Counseling Internship
    • CNSL A866 Internship 2
  • Required Music Therapy courses - students complete the following courses for 18 crs: 
    • MUTY M703 Advanced Practicum (1 crs) , two courses for 2 crs total
    • MUTY M704 Music Therapy Supervision
    • MUTY M705 Advanced MUTY Psychotherapy Models
    • MUTY M706 Music Therapy and Medicine
    • MUTY M718 Music Therapy Theories (2 crs) 
    • MUGN M810 Thesis or MUGN M812 Scholarly Project (1 cr), two courses for 2 crs total
    • NURS G905 Ethics & Social Justice
    • Dual degree students do not take MUTY M702 (Music Therapy Research) and MUTY M720 (Multicultural Considerations in Music Therapy) because they take comparable courses in Counseling.
  • Electives - Students complete 9 crs of graduate level supportive courses, in consultation with an advisor. These may include courses in music therapy, music, business, counseling, or statistics.

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Master of Pastoral Studies / Master of Science in Counseling (MPS / MS) 

The Master of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling / Master of Pastoral Studies is a 78 credit hour, dual degree program facilitated through both the Department of Counseling and Loyola Institute for Ministry (LIM). 

Upon completion of this program, the student will be awarded two separate degrees. The student must be admitted separately to and be enrolled in both degree programs simultaneously in order to take advantage of the tuition and credit hour discounts.

Students failing to meet all of the requirements of the program are awarded the Master of Pastoral Studies or Master of Science in Counseling degree only if they fulfill the complete, non-reduced requirements for the individual degree as outlined in the Loyola Institute for Ministry or Department of Counseling bulletins, respectively.

Students who enter the joint MPS/MS degree program should register for CNSL A702 Research and Statistical Methods in Counseling in the Department of Counseling within the first 12 hours of work in counseling. Students should also take the Loyola Institute for Ministry course LIM 703 Introduction to Practical Theology as early as possible.

  • Overview of requirements: 78 credit hours (crs) required for completion
    • Counseling courses for 48 crs
    • LIM courses for 30 crs
  • Required Counseling Courses - students complete the following courses for 48 crs: 
    • CNSL A702 Research & Statistical Methods in Counseling
    • CNSL A704 Research Writing Lab (1 cr) 
    • CNSL A706 Philosophy & Counseling
    • CNSL A725 Lifespan Development
    • CNSL A776 Clinical Assessment & Psychometrics
    • CNSL A830 Counseling Theories
    • CNSL A835 Introduction to Counseling
    • CNSL A836 Individual Counseling Skills Lab (1 cr)
    • CNSL A840 Group Counseling
    • CNSL A841 Career Counseling
    • CNSL A842 Multicultural Counseling
    • CNSL A843 Group Counseling Skills Lab (1 cr)
    • CNSL A855 Diagnostics in Counseling
    • CNSL A863 Fundamentals of Practicum & Internship 
    • CNSL A864 Ethics in Individual, Marriage, & Family Counseling
    • CNSL A865 Counseling Practicum
    • CNSL A866 Counseling Internship
    • CNSL A866 Internship 2
  • Required LIM courses - students complete the following courses for 30 crs:
    • LIM 703 Introduction to Practical Theology
    • LIM 704 Spirituality, Morality, and Ethics
    • LIM 711 Jewish Roots of Christian Faith (Old Testament)
    • LIM 712 Christian Origins (New Testament)
    • LIM 714 Grace, Christ, and Spirit
    • LIM 722 Church, Sacraments, and Liturgy
    • LIM 849 Introduction to Pastoral Care and Counseling
    • LIM 861 Pastoral Leadership and Organization
    • LIM 863 Family Systems
    • LIM elective chosen in consultation with an advisor

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Dual Graduate & Law Programs

JD / MBA offered through the Loyola College of Law

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Undergraduate to Graduate Partnerships

Undergraduate to graduate partnerships use graduate level coursework in a student's senior undergraduate year to complete a bachelor's degree and move seamlessly into a graduate program. 

Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies to Master of Pastoral Studies or Master of Religious Education

This program is in the process of discontinuation.

Students in this collaborative Department of Religious Studies (RELS) and Loyola Institute for Ministry (LIM) program earn two degrees, a Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies - Christian Theology concentration plus a Master of Pastoral Studies or Master of Religious Education in less time than it would take to earn both of them separately. In addition, this degree allows students to pursue several graduate electives, which permits them to deepen their study in religion and theology or to branch out and take courses in other graduate fields. 

Students enrolled in the bachelor’s to master’s degree program will continue to pay undergraduate tuition until they complete their undergraduate degree requirements, including 120 credits. LIM students may choose to take graduate courses in a department other than LIM, but tuition rates vary across graduate programs. Current tuition and fee schedules are available through the Office of Student Finance. In addition, students would need to get approval from their advisors and the program directors in other graduate programs, and students may need to have met course prerequisites to take courses in other programs.

Program Policies

  • Students must apply for and be accepted into the LIM program following LIM application requirements, by applicable deadlines and before the beginning of their senior undergraduate year. Application includes submitting a completed Religious Studies Advisor Approval Form with a recommendation from a faculty member of the Religious Studies department. Because of the rigors of the full-time study required to complete an undergraduate degree and start a graduate degree, students must have a minimum 3.0 undergraduate GPA to be accepted into this program.
  • Upon their acceptance into the LIM program, students receive a LIM advisor in addition to the RELS advisor.
  • Program requirements allow undergraduates to take only four 200-level courses. Taking more than four lengthens the time-to-completion for the program. Therefore students should meet with advisors as soon as possible to chart out the courses they need to take to satisfy program requirements.
  • Students should refer to the suggested sequence of courses when selecting courses.
  • Up to 9 credits may be satisfied by attending during the senior year and with approval by both advisors a regularly scheduled RELS course at the 300- or 400-level. The syllabus must be graduate level, contain graduate-level assignments, and be approved by LIM in order for it to receive the G designation that indicates that this RELS course can fulfill LIM requirements. These credits may fulfill both undergraduate and graduate degree requirements. Taking fewer than 9 such hours in the senior year may lengthen the time-to-completion for the program.
  • Up to 12 credits worth of LIM courses may be taken during the undergraduate’s senior year. These courses may fulfill both undergraduate and graduate degree requirements. Taking fewer than 9 such hours in the senior year may lengthen the time-to-completion for the program.
  • The LIM Elective may be satisfied by any LIM course or by a RELS course with a G designation. If students satisfy this elective with a LIM course, it means that they take a total of 27 credit-hours in LIM and 21 credit hours in RELS.  If students satisfy this elective with an RELS course, it means that they take a total of 24 credit-hours in LIM and 24 credit hours in RELS.  
  • The Graduate Elective credits may be satisfied by any LIM course or, with approval by the appropriate program directors, by other graduate courses at Loyola.
  • Seniors who take LIM courses must take LIM on-campus courses, not online courses, unless either the appropriate on-campus courses are unavailable or students receive advisors’ permission.
  • Many LIM courses are taught on a two-year cycle. Students should consult the LIM course rotation for this information. Completion of the LIM degree in a timely fashion depends on focus area and elective courses selected.
  • Undergraduates accepted into this program who successfully complete the required number and distribution of courses with RELS and LIM credits and who complete all other university requirements receive their BA in Religious Studies, even if they do not continue with their LIM studies.
  • Students who successfully complete the program earn two degrees, the BA in Religious Studies and either the MPS or MRE.

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