
Within Loyola's College of Arts & Sciences (CAS), each Humanities department offers academic major programs and academic minor programs.  

Academic major programs in the Humanities include:

Academic minor programs in the Humanities include:  



The Department of English offers a diverse curriculum in literature, critical theory, film history, creative writing, nonfiction and professional writing, digital media, linguistics, and rhetoric. Students receive a strong foundation in classical and contemporary works, with writing style and skills emphasized in every course. A list of English faculty and staff can be viewed on the department website.

Academic Programs

Students pursuing a major in English can choose from several different concentrations. Two concentrations participate in Loyola’s Teacher Education track. The department also partners with the University Honors Program to deliver Honors versions of some programs. Available English major programs include:

A detailed curriculum for each program is listed below. Students in other major programs can pursue an academic minor in English. 

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English major - Film & Digital Media concentration

The Bachelor of Arts, English major with a concentration in Film & Digital Media is a 120 semester credit hour academic program. Students will complete Loyola Core requirements, English major and concentration requirements, adjunct courses in language, and general electives. Completion of this academic program requires a 2.0 GPA in the major curriculum and a 2.0 GPA in the Loyola cumulative curriculum. All major courses must be completed in the English department unless an exception is allowed by the department chair. 

  • Overview of requirements: 120 credit hours (crs) required for completion
    • Loyola Core: 39 crs
    • English major: 36 crs
    • Adjunct - Languages: 6 crs
    • General Electives: 39 crs
  • Loyola Core: All English majors complete the full scope of the Loyola Core with 39 crs in Loyola Core requirement areas. Modifications include replacing ENGL T122 Critical Reading & Writing with ENGL A205 Writing About Texts for the Composition requirement and completing the 3 crs Writing About Literature requirement in the major curriculum.

    The ENGL A205 Writing About Texts course is a requirement for all incoming English majors. AP composition credit will be attributed to General Electives for this program. Transfer students with an eligible Composition 2 equivalent are exempt from this requirement, as are Loyola students who change majors to English after completion of ENGL T122 Critical Reading & Writing. 
    • English major core courses: English majors complete 9 crs of major core courses. These courses include: 
      • ENGL A206 Reading Poetry
      • ENGL A217 Reading Historically I
      • ENGL A218 Reading Historically II
    • Film & Digital Media concentration courses: English majors pursuing a Film & Digital Media concentration complete 18 crs of concentration courses. These courses include: 
      • ENGL A220 Media & Mediation 
      • 15 crs of ENGL courses designated Film & Digital Media by the department 
    • English major electives: English majors pursuing a Film & Digital Media concentration complete 9 crs of English major electives in consultation with a department advisor. Major electives include at least 3 crs of a course designated either Writing or Literature, and an additional 6 crs of any English A, N, or O, courses designated Literature.
    • Adjunct courses - Language requirement: English majors are required to complete 6 crs of language credit, up to the 201 level of proficiency. This requirement can be satisfied with courses in spoken languages like French or Spanish, or in classical languages like Greek or Latin. Students will complete a placement activity to begin the language sequence. Students who initially place into the 201 level of proficiency will have a modified language requirement of only 3 crs, with the additional 3 crs attributed to General Electives.  
    • General Electives: English majors are required to complete 39 crs of general electives to complete the Bachelor of Arts program. Students can satisfy these requirements with any Loyola courses they are eligible to take which are not already required in the Loyola Core, Major, or Adjunct curriculums. For students pursuing a double major or an academic minor, the curriculum for those programs would be assigned from the credits required for General Electives.

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    English major - Literature concentration

    The Bachelor of Arts, English major with a concentration in Literature is a 120 semester credit hour academic program. Students will complete Loyola Core requirements, English major and concentration requirements, adjunct courses in language, and general electives. Completion of this academic program requires a 2.0 GPA in the major curriculum and a 2.0 GPA in the Loyola cumulative curriculum. All major courses must be completed in the English department unless an exception is allowed by the department chair. 

    • Overview of requirements: 120 crs required for completion
      • Loyola Core: 39 crs
      • English major: 36 crs
      • Adjunct - Languages: 6 crs
      • General Electives: 39 crs
    • Loyola Core: All English majors complete the full scope of the Loyola Core with 39 credit hours (crs) in Loyola Core requirement areas. Modifications include replacing ENGL T122 Critical Reading & Writing with ENGL A205 Writing About Texts for the Composition requirement and completing the 3 crs Writing About Literature requirement in the major curriculum. 

      The ENGL A205 Writing About Texts course is a requirement for all incoming English majors. AP composition credit will be attributed to General Electives for this program. Transfer students with an eligible Composition 2 equivalent are exempt from this requirement, as are Loyola students who change majors to English after completion of ENGL T122 Critical Reading & Writing. 
    • English major core courses: English majors complete 9 crs of major core courses. These courses include: 
      • ENGL A206 Reading Poetry
      • ENGL A217 Reading Historically I
      • ENGL A218 Reading Historically II
    • Literature concentration courses: English majors pursuing a Literature concentration complete 12 crs of concentration courses. All of these courses must be taken at the 300 or 400 levels. These courses include: 
      • One course (3 crs) in a designated American Literature focus
      • One course (3 crs) in a designated British pre-1800 Literature focus
      • Two courses (6 crs) in any designated Literature focus
    • English major electives: English majors pursuing a Literature concentration complete 15 crs of English major electives in consultation with a department advisor. Major electives include at least 3 crs of a course designated either Film & Digital Media or Writing, and an additional 12 crs of any English A, N, or O courses.  
    • Adjunct courses - Language requirement: English majors are required to complete 6 crs of language credit, up to the 201 level of proficiency. This requirement can be satisfied with courses in spoken languages like French or Spanish, or in classical languages like Greek or Latin. Students will complete a placement activity to begin the language sequence. Students who initially place into the 201 level of proficiency will have a modified language requirement of only 3 crs, with the additional 3 crs attributed to General Electives.  
    • General Electives: English majors are required to complete 39 crs of general electives to complete the Bachelor of Arts program. Students can satisfy these requirements with any Loyola courses they are eligible to take which are not already required in the Loyola Core, Major, or Adjunct curriculums. For students pursuing a double major, an academic minor, or the Teacher Education track, the curriculum for those programs would be assigned from the credits required for General Electives.

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    English major - Writing concentration

    The Bachelor of Arts, English major with a concentration in Writing is a 120 semester credit hour academic program. Students will complete Loyola Core requirements, English major and concentration requirements, adjunct courses in language, and general electives. Completion of this academic program requires a 2.0 GPA in the major curriculum and a 2.0 GPA in the Loyola cumulative curriculum. All major courses must be completed in the English department unless an exception is allowed by the department chair. 

    • Overview of requirements: 120 crs required for completion
      • Loyola Core: 39 crs
      • English major: 36 crs
      • Adjunct - Languages: 6 crs
      • General Electives: 39 crs
    • Loyola Core: All English majors complete the full scope of the Loyola Core with 39 credit hours (crs) in Loyola Core requirement areas. Modifications include replacing ENGL T122 Critical Reading & Writing with ENGL A205 Writing About Texts for the Composition requirement and completing the 3 crs Writing About Literature requirement in the major curriculum. 

      The ENGL A205 Writing About Texts course is a requirement for all incoming English majors. AP composition credit will be attributed to General Electives for this program. Transfer students with an eligible Composition 2 equivalent are exempt from this requirement, as are Loyola students who change majors to English after completion of ENGL T122 Critical Reading & Writing. 
    • English major core courses: English majors complete 9 crs of major core courses. These courses include: 
      • ENGL A206 Reading Poetry
      • ENGL A217 Reading Historically I
      • ENGL A218 Reading Historically II
    • Writing concentration courses: English majors pursuing a Writing concentration complete 18 crs of concentration courses designated eligible for the Writing focus.  
    • English major electives: English majors pursuing a Writing concentration complete 9 crs of English major electives in consultation with a department advisor. Major electives include at least 3 crs of a course designated either Film & Digital Media or Literature, and an additional 6 crs of any English courses A, N, or O designated Literature.  
    • Adjunct courses - Language requirement: English majors are required to complete 6 crs of language credit, up to the 201 level of proficiency. This requirement can be satisfied with courses in spoken languages like French or Spanish, or in classical languages like Greek or Latin. Students will complete a placement activity to begin the language sequence. Students who initially place into the 201 level of proficiency will have a modified language requirement of only 3 crs, with the additional 3 crs attributed to General Electives.  
    • General Electives: English majors are required to complete 39 crs of general electives to complete the Bachelor of Arts program. Students can satisfy these requirements with any Loyola courses they are eligible to take which are not already required in the Loyola Core, Major, or Adjunct curriculums. For students pursuing a double major, an academic minor, or the Teacher Education track, the curriculum for those programs would be assigned from the credits required for General Electives.

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    English programs - Teacher Education Track

    The Teacher Education track program for middle school or secondary education is available to students in the English major - Literature concentration and the English major - Writing concentration. Students selecting the Teacher Education track will complete their respective program curriculum described above with itemized changes that include a specific Social Sciences requirement in the Loyola Core, a modified Adjunct requirement in Language, and a set of approved Teacher Education courses completed within the General Electives area.

    • Modifications to the Loyola Core: English majors pursuing the Teacher Education track program complete their Loyola Core Social Science requirement with TEAC A100 Foundations of Multicultural Education. 
    • Modifications to Adjunct - Language requirement: English majors pursuing the Teacher Education track program are required to complete 3 crs of language credit, up to the 201 level of proficiency. This requirement can be satisfied with courses in spoken languages like French or Spanish, or in classical languages like Greek or Latin. 

    Middle School Education

    • Teacher Education Track for Middle School Education Courses: 36 crs of coursework is required to complete the Teacher Education track for both the English - Literature and English - Writing programs. These courses are completed within the General Electives area of the academic program. 
      • TEAC A205 Foundations of Early of Literacy
      • TEAC A210 The Learner with Special Needs
      • TEAC A300 Secondary School Methods I - General Pedagogy
      • TEAC A306 Secondary School Methods II - Specific Field Pedagogy
      • TEAC A310 Reading in the Content Area
      • TEAC A312 Dyslexia
      • TEAC A343 Classroom Management & Organization
      • TEAC A410 Teaching Residency I
      • TEAC A412 Teaching Residency II (6 crs)
      • PSYC A255 Adolescent Psychology
      • MATH course - additional 2nd Math course
    • Note: Teacher Education students need 2 "ENGL" classes
    • Remaining General Electives: English majors pursuing the Teacher Education for Middle School Education track are required to complete 6 crs of general electives to complete the Bachelor of Arts program. Students can satisfy these requirements with any Loyola courses they are eligible to take which are not already required in the Loyola Core, Major, Adjunct, or Teacher Education Track curriculums.

    Secondary Education

    • Teacher Education Track for Secondary Education Courses: 33 crs of coursework is required to complete the Teacher Education track for both the English - Literature and English - Writing programs. These courses are completed within the General Electives area of the academic program. 
      • TEAC A210 The Learner with Special Needs
      • TEAC A300 Secondary School Methods I - General Pedagogy
      • TEAC A306 Secondary School Methods II - Specific Field Pedagogy
      • TEAC A310 Reading in the Content Area
      • TEAC A312 Dyslexia
      • TEAC A343 Classroom Management & Organization
      • TEAC A410 Teaching Residency I
      • TEAC A412 Teaching Residency II (6 crs)
      • PSYC A255 Adolescent Psychology
      • MATH course - additional 2nd Math course
    • Note: Teacher Education students need 2 "ENGL" classes
    • Remaining General Electives: English majors pursuing the Teacher Education track for Secondary Education are required to complete 9 crs of general electives to complete the Bachelor of Arts program. Students can satisfy these requirements with any Loyola courses they are eligible to take which are not already required in the Loyola Core, Major, Adjunct, or Teacher Education Track curriculums.

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    English programs - University Honors Program

    Participation in the University Honors Program is available to any eligible student pursuing an English major. Students who meet Honors Program admission requirements can complete their preferred English program with the Honors Curriculum taking the place of the Loyola Core and satisfying an English major elective with ENGL H492 English Honors Thesis. The Honors Curriculum also impacts the number of credits required in the General Elective area.

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    English Minor

    Loyola students who are not already English majors can add an English minor to their curriculum. Curriculum for English minors require 18 credit hours taken as part of or in addition to the General Electives area of a student’s undergraduate program, but courses used to satisfy requirements in an academic major cannot also be used to satisfy requirements in an English minor program. Successful completion of an academic minor requires a 2.0 GPA or higher for all courses.

    The English Department offers the following academic minor programs: 

    • English minor: Students complete 18 credit hours of English coursework with a 2.0 GPA. 
      • One ENGL N200-level Writing About Literature designated course (3 crs).
      • Five ENGL courses (15 crs). At least 3 courses (9 crs) must be ENGL A-level courses. Others may be from ENGL-T121, ENGL-N 200-level or ENGL-O 200-level.
      • ENGL-A100, ENGL-T122, and ENGL-A205 are not eligible to be used for the minor. 

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      The Department of History provides an integral part of the university’s liberal arts program. The study of history seeks to free the mind from common prejudices and faulty intellectual assumptions through a broad-based study of the human past. Students become familiar with the principal forces of change and adaptation that have marked humanity’s cultural, social, political and economic development. The department also has a strong commitment to developing information literacy throughout its course offerings. A list of History faculty and staff can be viewed on the department website. 

      Academic Programs

      Students pursuing a major in History can choose from several different concentrations. One concentration participates in Loyola’s Teacher Education track. The department also partners with the University Honors Program to deliver Honors versions of some programs. Students in other major programs can pursue an academic minor in History.

      Available History programs include:

      A detailed curriculum for each program is listed below. 

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      History major

      The Bachelor of Arts, History major is a 120 semester credit hour academic program. Students will complete Loyola Core requirements, History major requirements, adjunct courses in language, and general electives. Completion of this academic program requires a 2.0 GPA in the major curriculum and a 2.0 GPA in the Loyola cumulative curriculum. All major requirements must be completed with courses from the History department or approved transfer courses unless an exception is allowed by the Department chair. 

      • Overview of requirements: 120 credit hours (crs) required for completion
        • Loyola Core: 39 crs
        • History major: 36 crs
        • Adjunct - Languages: 6 crs
        • General Electives: 39 crs
      • Loyola Core: All History majors complete the full scope of the Loyola Core with 39 credit hours in Loyola Core requirement areas. Modifications include specific completion of HIST T122 Global History I for the History 1 requirement, and completing the 3 crs History 2 requirement in the major curriculum. The grade achieved for the History 1 requirement will be included in major GPA calculations.
      • History major core courses & requirements: History majors complete 18 crs of major core courses. These requirements include:
        • HIST T124 Global History II
        • HIST T200 United States History to 1865
        • HIST T201 United States History from 1865
        • HIST A202 Historian’s Craft
        • United States history elective - 3 crs
        • HIST A400 Historiography, preferably in the 3rd or 4th year of study
        • History majors must complete a departmental comprehensive exam or the GRE in their 4th year of study
      • History major electives: History majors complete 18 crs of History major electives in consultation with a department advisor. At least one of the following courses must be taken to cover a pre-modern (before 1650 CE) era. Major elective requirements must include coursework from the following areas:
        • European history elective - 3 crs
        • Non US or European history electives - 6 crs
        • Any history electives - 9 crs  
      • Departmental Honors: an “Honors in History” transcript designation is available to History majors who meet GPA criteria and complete a departmental thesis or project.  Eligible students must carry a minimum 3.3 Loyola cumulative GPA alongside a 3.5 GPA in the major. The coursework required for the designation consists of original research leading to the writing of a thesis or the creation of a project, under the supervision of a faculty mentor during the two semesters prior to graduation. Required courses can be taken as part of major electives or general electives, and include: 
        • Complete 4 crs in HIST A498 Research Project which includes a thesis in History.
      • Internships are graded pass/fail (P/F). Only 3 crs of Internship credit can be applied to History program major elective coursework.
      • Adjunct courses - Language requirement: History majors are required to complete 6 crs of language credit, up to the 201 level of proficiency. This requirement can be satisfied with courses in spoken languages like French or Spanish, or in classical languages like Greek or Latin. Students will complete a placement activity to begin the language sequence. Students who initially place into the 201 level of proficiency will have a modified language requirement of only 3 crs, with the additional 3 crs attributed to General Electives.  
      • General Elective courses: History majors are required to complete 39 crs of general electives to complete the Bachelor of Arts program. Students can satisfy these requirements with any Loyola courses they are eligible to take which are not already required in the Loyola Core, Major, or Adjunct curriculums. For students pursuing a double major or an academic minor, the curriculum for those programs would be assigned from the credits required for General Electives.

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      History major - International Studies concentration

      The Bachelor of Arts, History major with a concentration in International Studies is a 120 semester credit hour academic program. Students will complete Loyola Core requirements, History major and concentration requirements, adjunct courses in language, adjunct international electives, and general electives. Completion of this academic program requires a 2.0 GPA in the major curriculum and a 2.0 GPA in the Loyola cumulative curriculum. All major requirements must be completed with courses from the History department or approved transfer courses unless an exception is allowed by the Department chair. 

      • Overview of requirements: 120 credit hours (crs) required for completion
        • Loyola Core: 39 crs
        • History major & concentration: 41 crs
        • Adjunct - Languages: 3 crs at the 201 level
        • Adjunct - International: 6 crs
        • General Electives: 31 crs
      • Loyola Core: All History majors complete the full scope of the Loyola Core with 39 credit hours in Loyola Core requirement areas. Modifications include specific completion of HIST T122 Global History I for the History 1 requirement, and completing the 3 crs History 2 requirement in the major curriculum. The grade achieved for the History 1 requirement will be included in major GPA calculations. 
      • History major core courses & requirements: History majors complete 21 crs of major core courses. These requirements include:
        • HIST T124 Global History II
        • HIST T200 United States History to 1865
        • HIST T201 United States History from 1865
        • HIST A202 Historian’s Craft
        • United States history elective - 3 crs
        • HIST major elective - 3 crs
        • HIST A400 Historiography, preferably in the 3rd or 4th year of study
        • History majors must complete a departmental comprehensive exam or the GRE in their 4th year of study
      • International Studies courses: History majors in the International Studies concentration complete 11 crs of History major electives in consultation with a department advisor. At least one of the following courses must be taken to cover a pre-modern (before 1650 CE) era. Major elective requirements must include coursework from the following areas:
        • International history electives - 6 crs. These courses can not be from your world regional concentration. 
        • Global Comparative history elective - 3 crs 
        • HIST A480 History Capstone - 2 crs
      • International Studies - Regional Concentration Area courses: History majors in the International Studies concentration must focus on a specific world region and complete 9 crs of the course options in consultation with their advisors. Regional Concentration Areas and eligible courses include: 
        • African Studies - select 9 crs (3 courses) from:
          • HIST Q349 Africa to 1880 
          • HIST Q350 Africa 1880 to Present
          • HIST Q352 Women in African History 
        • Asian Studies - select 9 crs (3 courses) from: 
          • HIST Q390 China to 1644
          • HIST Q391 Modern China
          • HIST Q392 Japanese History I
          • HIST Q393 Japanese History II
        • European Studies - select 9 crs (3 courses) from: 
          • HIST Q305 Medieval Crime & Community
          • HIST Q306 Middle Ages
          • HIST Q307 Saints & Demons in Medieval Europe
          • HIST Q308 Age of Renaissance 
          • HIST Q310 Age of Reformation
          • HIST Q322 Modern Europe 1914-1945
          • HIST Q323 Modern Europe 1945-Present
          • HIST Q381 English History to 1688
          • HIST T240 Women in the Middle Ages
          • HIST T258 Medicine in the Medieval West
        • Latin Studies - select 9 crs (3 courses) from:
          • HIST Q410 History of Mexico
          • HIST T210 Latin America’s Global Reach
          • HIST T220 Latin America I
          • HIST T221 Modern Latin America
        • Middle Eastern Studies - select 9 crs (3 courses) from: 
          • HIST Q357 Modern Iran
          • HIST T254 Palestinians & Israelis
          • HIST T288 Middle East & Islam 600-1650
          • HIST T289 Middle East 1600 to Present
      • Departmental Honors: an “Honors in History” transcript designation is available to History majors who meet GPA criteria and complete a departmental thesis or project.  Eligible students must carry a minimum 3.3 Loyola cumulative GPA alongside a 3.5 GPA in the major. The coursework required for the designation consists of original research leading to the writing of a thesis or the creation of a project, under the supervision of a faculty mentor during the two semesters prior to graduation. Required courses can be taken as part of major electives or general electives, and include: 
        • Complete 4 crs in HIST A498 Research Project which includes a thesis in History.
      • Internships are graded pass/fail (P/F). Only 3 crs of Internship credit can be applied to History program major elective coursework.
      • Courses used for a History program major cannot also be used in an academic minor program. Non-major courses will be applied to academic minor programs as appropriate. 
      • Adjunct courses - Language requirement: History majors in the International Studies concentration are required to complete 3 crs of language credit at the 201 level of proficiency. This requirement can be satisfied with courses in spoken languages like French or Spanish, or in classical languages like Greek or Latin. Students will complete a placement activity to begin the language sequence. Placement will determine how many language courses must be taken as prerequisite to the 201 level, and all prerequisite language credits will be applied to the general electives area.
      • Adjunct courses - International electives: History majors in the International Studies concentration are required to complete 6 crs of non-history coursework designated international in consultation with their department academic advisor.  
      • General Elective courses: History majors are required to complete 31 crs of general electives to complete the Bachelor of Arts program. Students can satisfy these requirements with any Loyola courses they are eligible to take which are not already required in the Loyola Core, Major, or Adjunct curriculums. For students pursuing a double major or an academic minor, the curriculum for those programs would be assigned from the credits required for General Electives.

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      History major - Pre-Law concentration

      The Bachelor of Arts, History major with a Pre-Law concentration is a 120 semester credit hour academic program. Students will complete Loyola Core requirements, History major requirements that include Legal Studies courses, adjunct courses in language, and general electives. Completion of this academic program requires a 2.0 GPA in the major curriculum and a 2.0 GPA in the Loyola cumulative curriculum. All major requirements must be completed with courses from the History department or approved transfer courses unless an exception is allowed by the Department chair. 

      • Overview of requirements: 120 credit hours (crs) required for completion
        • Loyola Core: 39 crs
        • History major: 36 crs
        • Adjunct - Languages: 6 crs
        • General Electives: 39 crs
      • Loyola Core: All History majors complete the full scope of the Loyola Core with 39 credit hours in Loyola Core requirement areas. Modifications include specific completion of HIST T122 Global History I for the History 1 requirement, and completing the 3 crs History 2 requirement in the major curriculum. The grade achieved for the History 1 requirement will be included in major GPA calculations. 
      • History major core courses & requirements: History majors complete 18 crs of major core courses. These requirements include:
        • HIST T124 Global History II
        • HIST T200 United States History to 1865
        • HIST T201 United States History from 1865
        • HIST A202 Historian’s Craft
        • HIST major elective - 3 crs
        • HIST A400 Historiography, preferably in the 3rd or 4th year of study
        • History majors must complete a departmental comprehensive exam or the GRE in their 4th year of study
      • History major electives: History majors complete 18 crs of History major electives in consultation with a department advisor. At least one of the following courses must be taken to cover a pre-modern (before 1650 CE) era. Major elective requirements must include coursework from the following areas. Legal history electives must be from two different geographical regions. 
        • European history elective - 3 crs
        • Non US or European history electives - 6 crs
        • Law History - choose 3 crs (1 course) from:
          • HIST Q231 Law in Modern America
          • HIST Q233 American Trials
          • HIST Q238 Law in Early America
        • Legal History electives - 6 crs* one of the legal history electives must be from a geographical region outside of the United States
      • Departmental Honors: an “Honors in History” transcript designation is available to History majors who meet GPA criteria and complete a departmental thesis or project.  Eligible students must carry a minimum 3.3 Loyola cumulative GPA alongside a 3.5 GPA in the major. The coursework required for the designation consists of original research leading to the writing of a thesis or the creation of a project, under the supervision of a faculty mentor during the two semesters prior to graduation. Required courses can be taken as part of major electives or general electives, and include: 
        • Complete 4 crs in HIST A498 Research Project which includes a thesis in History.
      • Internships are graded pass/fail (P/F). All internships require a Memorandum of Understanding between the department and the institution hosting the internship.
      • Courses used for a History program major cannot also be used in an academic minor program. Non-major courses will be applied to academic minor programs as appropriate.
      • Adjunct courses - Language requirement: History majors are required to complete 6 crs of language credit, up to the 201 level of proficiency. This requirement can be satisfied with courses in spoken languages like French or Spanish, or in classical languages like Greek or Latin. Students will complete a placement activity to begin the language sequence. Students who initially place into the 201 level of proficiency will have a modified language requirement of only 3 crs, with the additional 3 crs attributed to General Electives.
      • General Elective courses: History majors are required to complete 39 crs of general electives to complete the Bachelor of Arts program. Students can satisfy these requirements with any Loyola courses they are eligible to take which are not already required in the Loyola Core, Major, or Adjunct curriculums. For students pursuing a double major or an academic minor, the curriculum for those programs would be assigned from the credits required for General Electives.

      (Updated for clarification of requirements May 17, 2024)

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      History programs - Teacher Education Track (Social Studies)

      The Teacher Education track program for middle school or secondary education is available to students in the History major. Students selecting the Teacher Education track will complete their respective program curriculum described above with itemized changes that include a specific Social Sciences requirement in the Loyola Core, modifications to the adjunct Language requirement, and a set of approved Teacher Education courses completed within the General Electives area.

      • Modifications to the Loyola Core: History majors pursuing the Teacher Education track program complete their Loyola Core Social Science requirement with TEAC A100 Foundations of Multicultural Education. 
      • Modifications to Adjunct - Language requirement: History majors pursuing the Teacher Education track program are required to complete 3 crs of language credit, up to the 201 level of proficiency. This requirement can be satisfied with courses in spoken languages like French or Spanish, or in classical languages like Greek or Latin. 
      • Modifications to the Major requirements: History majors pursuing the Teacher Education track program add a required course GEOG A100 General Geography 1 in place of a major elective. 

      Middle School Education

      • Teacher Education Track for Middle School Education Courses: 42 crs of coursework is required to complete the Teacher Education track for the History major. These courses are completed within the General Electives area of the academic program. 
        • TEAC A205 Foundations of Early Literacy
        • TEAC A210 The Learner with Special Needs
        • TEAC A300 Secondary School Methods I - General Pedagogy
        • TEAC A306 Secondary School Methods II - Specific Field Pedagogy
        • TEAC A310 Reading in the Content Area
        • TEAC A312 Dyslexia
        • TEAC A343 Classroom Management & Organization
        • TEAC A410 Teaching Residency I
        • TEAC A412 Teaching Residency II (6 crs)
        • PSYC A255 Adolescent Psychology 
        • MATH course - additional 2nd Math course
        • SOCI course - additional Sociology course
        • POLS course - additional Political Science course in American Government

      Secondary Education

      • Teacher Education Track for Secondary Education Courses: 42 crs of coursework is required to complete the Teacher Education track for the History major. These courses are completed within the General Electives area of the academic program. 
        • TEAC A210 The Learner with Special Needs
        • TEAC A300 Secondary School Methods I - General Pedagogy
        • TEAC A306 Secondary School Methods II - Specific Field Pedagogy
        • TEAC A310 Reading in the Content Area
        • TEAC A312 Dyslexia
        • TEAC A343 Classroom Management & Organization
        • TEAC A410 Teaching Residency I
        • TEAC A412 Teaching Residency II (6 crs)
        • PSYC A255 Adolescent Psychology 
        • MATH course - additional 2nd Math course
        • ECON course - additional Economics course
        • SOCI course - additional Sociology course
        • POLS course - additional Political Science course in American Government

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      History programs - University Honors Program

      Participation in the University Honors Program is available to any eligible student pursuing a History major. Students who meet Honors Program admission requirements can complete their preferred History program with the Honors Curriculum taking the place of the Loyola Core. The 4 credit hour History Thesis sequence HIST A498 will be used to satisfy the Honors Thesis requirement. The Thesis requirement will add requirements to students completing the History - Teacher Education Track program, for a total of 124 credit hours to complete the degree.

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      History Minor Programs

      Loyola students who are not already History majors can add a History minor to their curriculum. Curriculum for History minors require 21 credit hours taken as part of or in addition to the General Electives area of a student’s undergraduate program, but courses used to satisfy requirements in an academic major cannot also be used to satisfy requirements in a History minor program. Successful completion of an academic minor requires a 2.0 GPA or higher for all courses.

      The History Department offers the following academic minor programs: 

      • History minor: Students complete 21 credit hours of History coursework with a 2.0 GPA. Requirements include: 
        • HIST T122 Global History I
        • HIST T124 Global History II
        • HIST electives selected in consultation with an advisor - 5 courses or 15 credit hours
      • History Pre-Law minor: Students complete 21 credit hours of History coursework with a 2.0 GPA. Requirements include: 
        • HIST T122 Global History I
        • HIST T124 Global History II
        • Choose one course from the following options:
          • HIST Q231 Law in Modern America
          • HIST Q233 American Trials
          • HIST Q238 Law in Early America
        • Legal History Electives - two courses for 6 credit hours; must be from two geographic areas. 
        • History Electives - two courses for 6 credit hours selected in consultation with an advisor.

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      Languages & Cultures

      The Department of Languages & Cultures recognizes that foreign language education is an indispensable part of the development of the individual in the Jesuit tradition. Through the study of culture, the knowledge and appreciation of other languages and literatures is at the heart of the program. The department’s mission is to encourage and challenge Loyola students to reach a level of competency in a language other than their own, thus broadening their world view and allowing them to clearly and openly exchange ideas and opinions with people of other cultures. A list of Languages & Cultures Faculty and Staff can be viewed on the department website.

      Academic Programs

      Students pursuing a Languages & Cultures major can choose from several different concentrations. Three concentrations participate in Loyola’s Teacher Education track. The department also partners with the University Honors Program to deliver Honors versions of each program. Available Languages & Cultures major programs include:

      A detailed curriculum for each program is listed below. Students in other major programs can participate in academic minors offered by Languages & Cultures. 

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      Classical Studies major

      The Bachelor of Arts, Classical Studies major is a 120 semester credit hour academic program. Students will complete Loyola Core requirements, Classical Studies major and Language Foundation requirements, and general electives. Completion of this academic program requires a 2.0 GPA in the major curriculum and a 2.0 GPA in the Loyola cumulative curriculum. 

      • Overview of requirements: 120 credit hours (crs) required for completion
        • Loyola Core: 39 crs
        • Classical Studies Major: 31 crs - includes language requirements
        • General Electives: 50 crs
      • Loyola Core: All Classical Studies majors complete the full scope of the Loyola Core with 39 crs in Loyola Core requirement areas. Modifications include completing the 3 crs Writing About Literature requirement in the major curriculum. 
      • Classical Studies Language Foundation - students choose one 6 crs sequence:  
        • GREK A100 Beginning Greek I and GREK A101 Beginning Greek II
        • LATN A100 Beginning Latin I and LATN A101 Beginning Latin II

          Because completion of the major requires 31 credit hours, language foundation exemptions awarded due to placement at or above these requirements will add major electives from the course options listed in that section.
      • Classical Studies Culture Foundation - students choose 6 crs of CLHU courses in consultation with their advisor. 
      • Classical Studies Literature Foundation - students choose 6 crs of CLHU courses in consultation with their advisor. 
      • Classical Studies Major Electives - students choose 12 crs from the following areas of courses in consultation with their major advisor.  Students intending to seek admission to graduate school in Classical Studies are encouraged to take Latin and/or Greek through the 300 level as part of their major coursework. 
        • LATN
        • GREK 
        • CLHU 
      • Languages & Cultures Capstone - students take CLHU A480 Classical Studies Senior Capstone for 1 cr
      • General Electives: Classical Studies majors are required to complete 50 crs of general electives to complete the Bachelor of Arts program. Students can satisfy these requirements with any Loyola courses they are eligible to take which are not already required in the Loyola Core or Major curriculums. For students pursuing a double major or an academic minor, the curriculum for those programs would be assigned from the credits required for General Electives.

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      Classical Studies major - Latin Language & Teacher Education Track

      The Teacher Education track program is available to students in the Classical Studies major who focus on the Latin language. Students selecting the Teacher Education track will complete their respective program curriculum described above with itemized changes that include a specific Social Sciences requirement in the Loyola Core, a set of specific language requirements within the major, and a set of approved Teacher Education courses completed within the General Electives area.

      • Modifications to the Loyola Core: Classical Studies majors pursuing the Teacher Education track program complete their Loyola Core Social Science requirement with TEAC A100 Foundations of Multicultural Education.
      • Modifications to the Major: Classical Studies majors pursuing the Teacher Education track program complete 18 crs of Latin language courses, starting with their placement course. Remaining major courses include 19 crs of Classical Studies, Greek language, or additional Latin courses including the CLHU A480 Classical Studies Senior Capstone course.
      • Teacher Education Track Courses: 36 crs of coursework is required to complete the Teacher Education track for Classical Studies majors. These courses are completed within the General Electives area of the academic program. 
        • TEAC A210 The Learner with Special Needs
        • TEAC A300 Secondary School Methods I - General Pedagogy
        • TEAC A306 Secondary School Methods II - Specific Field Pedagogy
        • TEAC A310 Reading in the Content Area
        • TEAC A312 Dyslexia
        • TEAC A343 Classroom Management & Organization
        • TEAC A410 Teaching Residency I
        • TEAC A412 Teaching Residency II (6 crs)
        • PSYC A255 Adolescent Psychology 
        • ENGL course - additional 2nd English course (must be ENGL)
        • MATH course - additional 2nd Math course
      • Remaining General Electives: Classical Studies majors pursuing the Teacher Education track are required to complete 8 crs of general electives to complete the Bachelor of Arts program. Students can satisfy these requirements with any Loyola courses they are eligible to take which are not already required in the Loyola Core, Major, Adjunct, or Teacher Education Track curriculums.

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      Languages & Cultures major - French concentration

      The Bachelor of Arts, Languages & Cultures major with a French concentration is a 120 semester credit hour academic program. Students will complete Loyola Core requirements, Languages & Cultures - French concentration requirements, and general electives. Completion of this academic program requires a 2.0 GPA in the major curriculum and a 2.0 GPA in the Loyola cumulative curriculum. 

      • Overview of requirements: 120 credit hours (crs) required for completion
        • Loyola Core: 39 crs
        • French concentration: 31 crs - includes language requirements
        • General Electives: 50 crs
      • Loyola Core: All Languages & Cultures - French concentration majors complete the full scope of the Loyola Core with 39 crs in Loyola Core requirement areas. Modifications include completing the 3 crs Creative Arts & Cultures requirement in the major curriculum. 
      • French Language Foundation - students complete a 6 crs sequence:  
        • FREN A200 Second Year French I
        • FREN A201 Second Year French II

          Please note the major coursework begins at the FREN A200 level. Any pre-requisite language coursework will be allocated to the general electives section. Because completion of the major requires 31 credit hours, language foundation exemptions awarded due to placement at or above the FREN A200 level will add major electives from the course options listed in that section.
      • French Culture, Language, or Literature courses:
        • Students complete 21 crs at the FREN A300 or A400 level. 
        • Students complete 3 crs of additional FREN A300 or A400 level coursework or a Thesis project of a combined 3 crs (2 + 1)
      • Languages & Cultures Capstone - Students take FREN A480 French Senior Capstone for 1 cr
      • General Electives: Languages & Cultures - French concentration majors are required to complete 50 crs of general electives to complete the Bachelor of Arts program. Students can satisfy these requirements with any Loyola courses they are eligible to take which are not already required in the Loyola Core or Major curriculums. For students pursuing a double major or an academic minor, the curriculum for those programs would be assigned from the credits required for General Electives.

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      Languages & Cultures major - French Language & Teacher Education Track

      The Teacher Education track program is available to students in the Languages & Cultures major who focus on the French language. Students selecting the Teacher Education track will complete their respective program curriculum described above with itemized changes that include a specific Social Sciences requirement in the Loyola Core and a set of approved Teacher Education courses completed within the General Electives area.

      • Modifications to the Loyola Core: Languages & Cultures - French majors pursuing the Teacher Education track program complete their Loyola Core Social Science requirement with TEAC A100 Foundations of Multicultural Education.
      • Teacher Education Track Courses: 36 crs of coursework is required to complete the Teacher Education track for French Language majors. These courses are completed within the General Electives area of the academic program. 
        • TEAC A210 The Learner with Special Needs
        • TEAC A300 Secondary School Methods I - General Pedagogy
        • TEAC A306 Secondary School Methods II - Specific Field Pedagogy
        • TEAC A310 Reading in the Content Area
        • TEAC A312 Dyslexia
        • TEAC A343 Classroom Management & Organization
        • TEAC A410 Teaching Residency I
        • TEAC A412 Teaching Residency II (6 crs)
        • PSYC A255 Adolescent Psychology 
        • Additional Creative Arts & Cultures course (DANC, MUGN, THEA, VISA) 
        • MATH course - additional 2nd Math course
      • Note: Teacher Education Students need to complete at least 2 "ENGL" courses
      • Remaining General Electives: Languages & Cultures - French majors pursuing the Teacher Education track are required to complete 14 crs of general electives to complete the Bachelor of Arts program. Students can satisfy these requirements with any Loyola courses they are eligible to take which are not already required in the Loyola Core, Major, Adjunct, or Teacher Education Track curriculums.

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      Latin American Studies major

      The Bachelor of Arts, Latin American Studies major is a 120 semester credit hour academic program. Students will complete Loyola Core requirements, Latin American Studies major and Language Foundation requirements, and general electives. Completion of this academic program requires a 2.0 GPA in the major curriculum and a 2.0 GPA in the Loyola cumulative curriculum. 

      • Overview of requirements: 120 credit hours (crs) required for completion
        • Loyola Core: 39 crs
        • Latin American Studies Major: 31 crs - includes language requirements
        • General Electives: 50 crs
      • Loyola Core: All Classical Studies majors complete the full scope of the Loyola Core with 39 crs in Loyola Core requirement areas. Modifications include completing the 3 crs Creative Arts & Cultures requirement in the major curriculum. 
      • Spanish Language Foundation - students take 9 crs:  
        • SPAN A200 Second Year Spanish I 
        • SPAN A201 Second Year Spanish II
        • Choose either SPAN A300 Syntax & Composition or SPAN A301 Intensive Conversation

          Please note the major coursework begins at the SPAN A200 level. Any pre-requisite language coursework will be allocated to the general electives section. Because completion of the major requires 31 credit hours, language foundation exemptions awarded due to placement at or above the SPAN A200 level will add major electives from the course options listed in that section.  
      • Latin American Studies Culture Foundation - students choose 6 crs (two courses) from the following options: 
        • HIST T220 Latin America I
        • HIST T221 Modern Latin America
        • LAS O200 Introduction to Contemporary Latin American Culture
        • SPAN A350 Culture of Spanish America to 1850
        • SPAN A351 Culture of Spanish America from 1850
      • Latin American Studies Major Electives - students choose 15 crs (five courses) from the following options in consultation with their major advisor.  Students must choose courses from 3 different disciplines: 
        • BIOL Y250/Y251 Tropical Ecology/Tropical Ecology Lab
        • ENGL A335/LAS A335 Postcolonial Literature
        • ENGL A336/LAS A336 Indigenous Literatures of the Americas in Translation
        • HIST T210 Latin America’s Global Reach
        • HIST T220 Latin America I
        • HIST T221 Modern Latin America
        • HIST A410 History of Mexico
        • LAS H295 Honors Seminar
        • LAS N200 WAL: Latin American Literature
        • LAS N238 WAL: Central American Revolutions - A Literary Look
        • LAS A302 Borderlands Identity - Literature & Film
        • LAS O200 Introduction to Contemporary Latin American Culture
        • LAS O202 Lat Diaspora-Mus Ind & Dance
        • LAS O263 Creating Spanish America
        • LAS O310 Latin American Cinema
        • LAS T121 First-Year Seminar
        • LAS X220 Education & Social Change in Latin America
        • RELS S238 Christianity & Liberation
        • SOCI A200 Cultural Anthropology
        • SOCI X245 Peoples of Latin America
        • SPAN A340 Spanish-American Literature I
        • SPAN A341 Spanish-American Literature II
        • SPAN A350 Culture of Spanish America to 1850
        • SPAN A351 Culture of Spanish America from 1850
        • SPAN A404 Immigration
        • SPAN A410 Spanish-American Regional Literature
        • SPAN A456 Spanish-American Narrative
      • Languages & Cultures Capstone - students take LAS A480 Latin American Studies Senior Capstone for 1 cr
      • General Electives: Latin American Studies majors are required to complete 50 crs of general electives to complete the Bachelor of Arts program. Students can satisfy these requirements with any Loyola courses they are eligible to take which are not already required in the Loyola Core or Major curriculums. For students pursuing a double major or an academic minor, the curriculum for those programs would be assigned from the credits required for General Electives.

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      Languages & Cultures major - Spanish concentration

      The Bachelor of Arts, Languages & Cultures major with a Spanish concentration is a 120 semester credit hour academic program. Students will complete Loyola Core requirements, Languages & Cultures - Spanish concentration requirements, and general electives. Completion of this academic program requires a 2.0 GPA in the major curriculum and a 2.0 GPA in the Loyola cumulative curriculum. 

      • Overview of requirements: 120 credit hours (crs) required for completion
        • Loyola Core: 39 crs
        • Spanish concentration: 31 crs - includes language requirements
        • General Electives: 50 crs
      • Loyola Core: All Languages & Cultures - Spanish concentration majors complete the full scope of the Loyola Core with 39 crs in Loyola Core requirement areas. Modifications include completing the 3 crs Creative Arts & Cultures requirement in the major curriculum. 
      • Spanish Language Foundation - students complete a 6 crs sequence:  
        • SPAN A200 Second Year Spanish I
        • SPAN A201 Second Year Spanish II

          Please note the major coursework begins at the SPAN A200 level. Any pre-requisite language coursework will be allocated to the general electives section. Because completion of the major requires 31 credit hours, language foundation exemptions awarded due to placement above the SPAN A200 level will add major electives from the course options listed in that section.
      • Spanish Culture, Language, or Literature courses:
        • Students complete 21 crs at the SPAN A300 or A400 level. 
        • Students complete 3 crs of additional SPAN A300 or A400 level coursework or a Thesis project of a combined 3 crs (2 + 1)
      • Languages & Cultures Capstone - Students take SPAN A480 Spanish Senior Capstone for 1 cr
      • General Electives: Languages & Cultures - Spanish concentration majors are required to complete 50 crs of general electives to complete the Bachelor of Arts program. Students can satisfy these requirements with any Loyola courses they are eligible to take which are not already required in the Loyola Core or Major curriculums. For students pursuing a double major or an academic minor, the curriculum for those programs would be assigned from the credits required for General Electives.

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      Languages & Cultures major - Spanish Language & Teacher Education Track

      The Teacher Education track program is available to students in the Languages & Cultures major who focus on the Spanish language. Students selecting the Teacher Education track will complete their respective program curriculum described above with itemized changes that include a specific Social Sciences requirement in the Loyola Core and a set of approved Teacher Education courses completed within the General Electives area.

      • Modifications to the Loyola Core: Languages & Cultures - Spanish majors pursuing the Teacher Education track program complete their Loyola Core Social Science requirement with TEAC A100 Foundations of Multicultural Education. 
      • Teacher Education Track Courses: 36 crs of coursework is required to complete the Teacher Education track for Spanish majors. These courses are completed within the General Electives area of the academic program. 
        • TEAC A210 The Learner with Special Needs
        • TEAC A300 Secondary School Methods I - General Pedagogy
        • TEAC A306 Secondary School Methods II - Specific Field Pedagogy
        • TEAC A310 Reading in the Content Area
        • TEAC A312 Dyslexia
        • TEAC A343 Classroom Management & Organization
        • TEAC A410 Teaching Residency I
        • TEAC A412 Teaching Residency II (6 crs)
        • PSYC A255 Adolescent Psychology 
        • Additional Creative Arts & Cultures course (DANC, MUGN, THEA, VISA) 
        • MATH course - additional 2nd Math course
      • Note: Teacher Education students need to complete 2 "ENGL" courses
      • Remaining General Electives: Languages & Cultures - Spanish majors pursuing the Teacher Education track are required to complete 14 crs of general electives to complete the Bachelor of Arts program. Students can satisfy these requirements with any Loyola courses they are eligible to take which are not already required in the Loyola Core, Major, Adjunct, or Teacher Education Track curriculums.

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      Languages & Cultures programs - University Honors Program

      Participation in the University Honors Program is available to any eligible student pursuing a Languages & Cultures major. Students who meet Honors Program admission requirements can complete their preferred program with the Honors Curriculum taking the place of the Loyola Core and a thesis being completed within the program.

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      Languages & Cultures Minor Programs

      Loyola students can add a Languages & Cultures minor to their curriculum. Curriculum for Languages & Cultures minors require 18 credit hours taken as part of or in addition to the General Electives area of a student’s undergraduate program, but courses used to satisfy requirements in an academic major cannot also be used to satisfy requirements in a Languages & Cultures minor program. Successful completion of an academic minor requires a 2.0 GPA or higher for all courses.

      The Languages & Cultures Department offers the following academic minor programs: 

      • Classical Studies minor: Students complete 18 credit hours of Classical Studies coursework with a 2.0 GPA. Requirements include: 
        • Classical Studies Culture Foundations - 6 credit hours
        • Classical Studies Literature Foundations - 6 credit hours
        • Classical Studies Electives - Choose 6 credit hours from LATN, GREK, or CLHU coded courses
        • French minor: Students complete 18 credit hours of French coursework, including: 
          • FREN A200 Second Year French I
          • FREN A201 Second Year French II
          • Four courses coded FREN A300-A400 for 12 credit hours
          • For placement at A201 of higher, additional minor electives are required to ensure completion of minimum 18 credit hours.  
        • Latin American Studies minor: Students complete 18 credit hours of Spanish language and Latin American Studies coursework, including: 
          • SPAN A200 Second Year Spanish I
          • SPAN A201 Second Year Spanish II
          • Choose either SPAN A300 Syntax & Composition or SPAN A301 Intensive Conversation. Students whose language placement starts them at the A300 level will take one (1) additional elective course for 3 credit hours, and the overall minor requirements are reduced to 15 credit hours. 
          • Select one course from: 
            • HIST T220 Latin America I
            • HIST T221 Modern Latin America 
            • LAS O200 Introduction to Contemporary Latin American Culture
            • SPAN A350 Culture of Spanish America to 1850
            • SPAN A351 Culture of Spanish America from 1850
          • Choose 6 credit hours (two courses) from the following options:
            • BIOL Y250/Y251 Tropical Ecology/Tropical Ecology Lab
            • ENGL A335/LAS A335 Postcolonial Literature
            • ENGL A352/LAS A336 Indigenous Literatures of the Americas in Translation
            • HIST T210 Latin America’s Global Reach
            • HIST T220 Latin America I
            • HIST T221 Modern Latin America
            • HIST A410 History of Mexico
            • LAS H295 Honors Seminar
            • LAS N200 WAL: Latin American Literature
            • LAS N238 WAL: Central American Revolutions - A Literary Look
            • LAS A302 Borderlands Identity - Literature & Film
            • LAS O200 Introduction to Contemporary Latin American Culture
            • LAS O202 Lat Diaspora-Mus Ind & Dance
            • LAS O263 Creating Spanish America
            • LAS O310 Latin American Cinema
            • LAS T121 First-Year Seminar
            • LAS X220 Education & Social Change in Latin America
            • RELS S238 Christianity & Liberation
            • SOCI A200 Cultural Anthropology
            • SOCI X245 Peoples of Latin America
            • SPAN A340 Spanish-American Literature I
            • SPAN A341 Spanish-American Literature II
            • SPAN A350 Culture of Spanish America to 1850
            • SPAN A351 Culture of Spanish America from 1850
            • SPAN A404 Immigration
            • SPAN A410 Spanish-American Regional Literature
            • SPAN A456 Spanish-American Narrative
          • Spanish majors/minors who also participate in the Latin American Studies minor may not use the same Spanish electives beyond A300/A301 to satisfy both major and minor requirements. 
        • Spanish minor: Students complete 18 credit hours of Spanish coursework, including: 
          • SPAN A200 Second Year Spanish I
          • SPAN A201 Second Year Spanish II
          • Four courses coded SPAN A300-A499 for 12 credit hours 
          • For placement at A201 or higher, additional minor electives are required to ensure completion of a minimum 18 credit hours.

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        The Department of Philosophy asks difficult questions that are the center of human existence; studying philosophy introduces students to some of the greatest minds of humanity while teaching critical thinking, careful reading and argument analysis. A list of Philosophy faculty and staff can be viewed on the department website.

        Academic Programs

        Students pursuing a major in Philosophy can focus on the discipline or select a concentration in Pre-Law. The department also partners with the University Honors Program to deliver Honors versions of some programs. Students in other major programs can pursue an academic minor in Philosophy. 

        Available Philosophy programs include:

        A detailed curriculum for each program is listed below. 

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        Philosophy major

        The Bachelor of Arts, Philosophy major is a 120 semester credit hour academic program. Students will complete Loyola Core requirements, Philosophy major requirements, adjunct courses in language, and general electives. Completion of this academic program requires a 2.0 GPA in the major curriculum and a 2.0 GPA in the Loyola cumulative curriculum. All major courses must be completed in the Philosophy department unless an exception is allowed by the department chair. 

        • Overview of requirements: 120 credit hours (crs) required for completion
          • Loyola Core: 39 crs
          • Philosophy major: 36 crs
          • Adjunct - Languages: 6 crs
          • General Electives: 39 crs
        • Loyola Core: All Philosophy majors complete the full scope of the Loyola Core with 39 crs in Loyola Core requirement areas. Modifications include satisfying the Loyola Core Philosophy 2 requirement within the major curriculum. 
        • Philosophy major core courses: Philosophy majors complete 24 crs of major core courses from the following categories. Additionally, all Philosophy majors must complete at least one Major Seminar course prior to graduation.
          • Systematic Philosophy - students choose one course from each of the following areas (12 crs total): 
            • Area 1: Logic & Language. Choose one course from: 
              • PHIL A201 Practical Logic
              • PHIL A206 Symbolic Logic
            • Area 2: Mind & Knowledge. Choose one course from:  
              • PHIL A220 Epistemology
              • PHIL A300 Philosophy of Science
              • PHIL A307 Philosophy of Mind
            • Area 3: Reality & God. Choose one course from: 
              • PHIL A210 Metaphysics
              • PHIL A309 Naturalism and Its Critics
              • PHIL A340 Being and God
            • Area 4: Ethics & Values. Choose one course from: 
              • PHIL A215 Ethics
              • PHIL W245 Environmental Ethics
              • PHIL W247 Global Ethics
          • Historical Philosophy - students choose 1 course from each of the 4 historical periods (12 crs total): 
            • Ancient. Choose one course from: 
              • PHIL A400 History of Ancient Philosophy
              • PHIL A490 Major Seminar - Ancient
            • Medieval. Choose one course from: 
              • PHIL A405 History of Medieval Philosophy
              • PHIL A408 Philosophy of Thomas Aquinas
              • PHIL A491 Major Seminar - Medieval
            • Modern. Choose one course from: 
              • PHIL A410 History of Modern Philosophy
              • PHIL A492 Major Seminar - Modern
            • Contemporary. Choose one course from: 
              • PHIL A416 History of 19th Century Philosophy
              • PHIL A435 Existentialism
              • PHIL A440 Phenomenology 
              • PHIL A445 Freedom and Oppression
              • PHIL A489 Major Seminar - Contemporary 
        • Philosophy major electives: complete 12 crs of Philosophy major electives in consultation with a department advisor. Loyola Core courses cannot be used without permission of the Chair.
        • Adjunct courses - Language requirement: Philosophy majors are required to complete 6 crs of language credit, up to the 201 level of proficiency. This requirement can be satisfied with courses in spoken languages like French or Spanish, or in classical languages like Greek or Latin. Students will complete a placement activity to begin the language sequence. Students who initially place into the 201 level of proficiency will have a modified language requirement of only 3 crs, with the additional 3 crs attributed to General Electives.  
        • General Electives: Philosophy majors are required to complete 39 crs of general electives to complete the Bachelor of Arts program. Students can satisfy these requirements with any Loyola courses they are eligible to take which are not already required in the Loyola Core, Major, or Adjunct curriculums. For students pursuing a double major or an academic minor, the curriculum for those programs would be assigned from the credits required for General Electives.

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        Philosophy major - Pre-Law concentration

        The Bachelor of Arts, Philosophy major with a concentration in Pre-Law is a 120 semester credit hour academic program. Students will complete Loyola Core requirements, Philosophy major requirements tailored to the Pre-Law concentration, adjunct courses in language, and general electives. Completion of this academic program requires a 2.0 GPA in the major curriculum and a 2.0 GPA in the Loyola cumulative curriculum. All major courses must be completed in the Philosophy department unless an exception is allowed by the department chair. 

        • Overview of requirements: 120 credit hours (crs) required for completion
          • Loyola Core: 39 crs
          • Philosophy major: 36 crs
          • Adjunct - Languages: 6 crs
          • General Electives: 39 crs
        • Loyola Core: All Philosophy majors complete the full scope of the Loyola Core with 39 crs in Loyola Core requirement areas. Modifications include satisfying the Loyola Core Philosophy 2 requirement within the major curriculum. 
        • Philosophy major core courses: Philosophy majors complete 24 crs of major core courses from the following categories. Additionally, all Philosophy majors must complete at least one Major Seminar course prior to graduation.
          • Systematic Philosophy - students complete one specific course in addition to choosing one course from each of the following areas (12 crs total): 
            • PHIL A225 Philosophy of Law 
            • Area 1: Moral & Political Theory. Choose one course from: 
              • PHIL A215 Ethics
              • PHIL A320 Social & Political Theory
              • PHIL A330 Modern Political Thought
              • PHIL W235 Ethics of Rights
            • Area 2: Philosophy & Social Topics. Choose one course from:  
              • PHIL U222 Philosophy & Feminism
              • PHIL U241 Philosophical Perspectives on Woman
              • PHIL U243 Environmental Philosophy
              • PHIL W234 Medical Ethics
              • PHIL W244 Law & Morality
              • PHIL W245 Environmental Ethics
              • PHIL W247 Global Ethics
              • PHIL W264 Social Justice
            • Area 3: Theoretical Philosophy. Choose one course from: 
              • PHIL A201 Practical Logic
              • PHIL A210 Metaphysics
              • PHIL A220 Epistemology
              • PHIL A300 Philosophy of Science
              • PHIL A307 Philosophy of Mind
              • PHIL A309 Naturalism and Its Critics
              • PHIL A340 Being and God
          • Historical Philosophy - students choose one course from each of the historical periods (12 crs total): 
            • Ancient. Choose one course from: 
              • PHIL A400 History of Ancient Philosophy
              • PHIL A490 Major Seminar - Ancient
            • Medieval. Choose one course from: 
              • PHIL A405 History of Medieval Philosophy
              • PHIL A408 Philosophy of Thomas Aquinas
              • PHIL A491 Major Seminar - Medieval
            • Modern. Choose one course from: 
              • PHIL A410 History of Modern Philosophy
              • PHIL A492 Major Seminar - Modern
            • Contemporary. Choose one course from: 
              • PHIL A416 History of 19th Century Philosophy
              • PHIL A435 Existentialism
              • PHIL A440 Phenomenology 
              • PHIL A445 Freedom and Oppression
              • PHIL A489 Major Seminar - Contemporary
        • Philosophy major electives: complete 12 crs of Philosophy major electives in consultation with a department advisor. Loyola Core courses cannot be used without permission of the Chair. 
        • Adjunct courses - Language requirement: Philosophy majors are required to complete 6 crs of language credit, up to the 201 level of proficiency. This requirement can be satisfied with courses in spoken languages like French or Spanish, or in classical languages like Greek or Latin. Students will complete a placement activity to begin the language sequence. Students who initially place into the 201 level of proficiency will have a modified language requirement of only 3 crs, with the additional 3 crs attributed to General Electives.  
        • General Electives: Philosophy majors are required to complete 39 crs of general electives to complete the Bachelor of Arts program. Students can satisfy these requirements with any Loyola courses they are eligible to take which are not already required in the Loyola Core, Major, or Adjunct curriculums. For students pursuing a double major or an academic minor, the curriculum for those programs would be assigned from the credits required for General Electives.

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        Philosophy programs - University Honors Program

        Participation in the University Honors Program is available to any eligible student pursuing a Philosophy major. Students who meet Honors Program admission requirements can complete their preferred Philosophy program with the Honors Curriculum taking the place of the Loyola Core and satisfying a Philosophy major elective with PHIL A498 Honors Thesis. The Honors Curriculum also impacts the number of credits required in the General Elective area.

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        Philosophy Minor Programs

        Loyola students who are not already Philosophy majors can add a Philosophy minor to their curriculum. Curriculum for Philosophy minors require 21 credit hours taken as part of or in addition to the General Electives area of a student’s undergraduate program, but courses used to satisfy requirements in an academic major cannot also be used to satisfy requirements in an Philosophy minor program. Successful completion of an academic minor requires a 2.0 GPA or higher for all courses.

        The Philosophy Department offers the following academic minor programs: 

        • Philosophy minor: Students complete 21 credit hours of Philosophy coursework with a 2.0 GPA. Coursework requirements include: 
          • PHIL R122 Philosophy of the Human Person
          • Systematic Philosophy. Students choose 2 of the following courses for 6 crs: 
            • Either PHIL A201 Practical Logic or PHIL A206 Symbolic Logic
            • PHIL A210 Metaphysics
            • PHIL A215 Ethics
            • PHIL A220 Epistemology  
          • Historical Philosophy. Students choose 2 of the following courses for 6 crs: 
            • PHIL A400 History of Ancient Philosophy
            • Either PHIL A405 History of Medieval Philosophy or PHIL A408 Philosophy of Thomas Aquinas
            • PHIL A410 History of Modern Philosophy
            • PHIL A416 History of 19th Century Philosophy
            • PHIL A430 American Philosophy
            • PHIL A435 Existentialism
            • PHIL A440 Phenomenology
            • PHIL A455
            • PHIL A465 Intro to Analytic Philosophy
          • Electives: Students choose 2 Philosophy courses in consultation with their advisor for 6 crs. No Loyola Core courses are allowed without the Chair’s permission.
        • Philosophy Pre-Law minor: Students complete 21 credit hours of Philosophy coursework with a 2.0 GPA. Coursework requirements include: 
          • PHIL R122 Philosophy of the Human Person
          • Systematic Philosophy. Students complete the following courses for 9 crs: 
            • PHIL A201 Practical Logic
            • PHIL A215 Ethics
            • PHIL A225 Philosophy of Law
          • Historical Philosophy. Students choose 1 of the following courses for 3 crs: 
            • PHIL A400 History of Ancient Philosophy
            • PHIL A405 History of Medieval Philosophy
            • PHIL A408 Philosophy of Thomas Aquinas
            • PHIL A410 History of Modern Philosophy
            • PHIL A416 History of 19th Century Philosophy
          • Legal Context. Students choose 1 of the following courses for 3 crs: 
            • PHIL A320 Social & Political Philosophy
            • PHIL U241 Philosophical Perspectives on Woman
            • PHIL U243 Environmental Philosophy
            • PHIL W234 Medical Ethics
            • PHIL W235 Ethics of Rights
            • PHIL W244 Law & Morality
          • Electives: Students choose 1 of the following courses for 3 crs.
            • PHIL A210 Metaphysics
            • PHIL A220 Epistemology
            • PHIL A465 Intro to Analytical Philosophy

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        Religious Studies

        The Department of Religious Studies, rooted in the Catholic and Jesuit context of education, encourages the academic study of religion in a spirit of free intellectual inquiry. A list of Religious Studies faculty and staff can be viewed on the department website.

        Academic Programs
        Students pursuing a major in Religious Studies can choose from two different concentrations. The department also partners with the University Honors Program to deliver Honors versions of some programs. Students in other major programs can pursue an academic minor in Religious Studies. 

        Available Religious Studies programs include:

        A detailed curriculum for each program is listed below. 

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        Religious Studies major - Christian Theology concentration

        The Bachelor of Arts, Religious Studies major with a concentration in Christian Theology is a 120 semester credit hour academic program. Students will complete Loyola Core requirements, Religious Studies major and concentration requirements, adjunct courses in language, and general electives. Completion of this academic program requires a 2.0 GPA in the major curriculum and a 2.0 GPA in the Loyola cumulative curriculum. All major courses must be completed in the Religious Studies department unless an exception is allowed by the department chair. 

        • Overview of requirements: 120 credit hours (crs) required for completion
          • Loyola Core: 39 crs
          • Religious Studies major: 30 crs
          • Adjunct - Languages: 6 crs
          • General Electives: 45 crs
        • Loyola Core: All Religious Studies majors complete the full scope of the Loyola Core with 39 crs in Loyola Core requirement areas. Modifications include satisfying the Religious Studies - Christian Tradition requirement in the major.
        • Religious Studies major courses: majors complete 30 crs of major courses. These courses include: 
          • Old Testament requirement for 3 crs. Choose one course from:
            • RELS A215 The Pentateuch
            • RELS A216 Biblical Wisdom Literature
            • RELS A236 Hebrew Prophets
            • RELS S249 Old Testament as Literature
            • RELS V396 Law: Ancient World
          • New Testament requirement for 3 crs. Choose one course from:
            • RELS S255 Gospels of Jesus
            • RELS A300 Letters of Paul: Radical Faith
            • RELS A315 Gospel of John
            • RELS S220 Biblical Literature in the Roman & Medieval Context
            • RELS S225 Humor in the Bible
            • RELS S230 Bible in the Media
            • RELS S247 New Testament as Literature
            • RELS S270 Jesus Christ
            • RELS S336 Parables of Jesus
          • Christian History requirement for 3 crs. Choose one course from: 
            • RELS S222 In the Footsteps of Ignatius 
            • RELS S251 Protestant Christianity
            • RELS S285 Heretics & Heresy
            • RELS S337 Victim/Victor: Martyrs & Social Change
            • RELS S343 Women in Christianity
            • RELS S348 Christian Origins
            • RELS S358 Ignatius Loyola
          • Theology requirement for 3 crs. Choose one course from:
            • RELS A350 Christology
            • RELS S238 Liberation Theologies
            • RELS S252 Catholicism
            • RELS S364 Contemporary Theologies
          • Christian Ethics requirement for 3 crs. Choose one course from:
            • RELS S242 Christian Ethics
            • RELS S245 Christian Ethics & Business
            • RELS S332 Ethics of Death & Dying
          • RELS A396 Religious Studies Research Seminar
        • Non-Christian Religion requirement for 3 crs. Students choose one course on an eligible topic in consultation with their advisor. 
        • Christianity Electives for 9 crs. Students choose three courses on an eligible topic in consultation with their advisor. 
        • At least one course in the major must be at the A-level in addition to the RELS A396 Religious Studies Research Seminar.
        • Adjunct courses - Language requirement: Religious Studies majors are required to complete 6 crs of language credit, up to the 201 level of proficiency. This requirement can be satisfied with courses in spoken languages like French or Spanish, or in classical languages like Greek or Latin. Students will complete a placement activity to begin the language sequence. Students who initially place into the 201 level of proficiency will have a modified language requirement of only 3 crs, with the additional 3 crs attributed to General Electives.  
        • General Electives: Religious Studies majors are required to complete 45 crs of general electives to complete the Bachelor of Arts program. Students can satisfy these requirements with any Loyola courses they are eligible to take which are not already required in the Loyola Core, Major, or Adjunct curriculums. For students pursuing a double major or an academic minor, the curriculum for those programs would be assigned from the credits required for General Electives.

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        Religious Studies major - World Religions concentration

        The Bachelor of Arts, Religious Studies major with a concentration in World Religions is a 120 semester credit hour academic program. Students will complete Loyola Core requirements, Religious Studies major and concentration requirements, adjunct courses in language, and general electives. Completion of this academic program requires a 2.0 GPA in the major curriculum and a 2.0 GPA in the Loyola cumulative curriculum. All major courses must be completed in the Religious Studies department unless an exception is allowed by the department chair. 

        • Overview of requirements: 120 credit hours (crs) required for completion
          • Loyola Core: 39 crs
          • Religious Studies major: 30 crs
          • Adjunct - Languages: 6 crs
          • General Electives: 45 crs
        • Loyola Core: All Religious Studies majors complete the full scope of the Loyola Core with 39 crs in Loyola Core requirement areas. Modifications include satisfying the Religious Studies - World Religions requirement in the major.
        • Religious Studies major courses: majors complete 30 crs of major courses. These courses include: 
          • Choose one of the following courses for 3 crs: 
            • RELS S247 New Testament as Literature
            • RELS S249 Old Testament as Literature
            • RELS V240 The Qur’an
          • Religious Traditions. Choose three of the following courses for 9 crs. 
            • RELS V222 Secularism & Religious Discrimination
            • RELS V246 Judaism 
            • RELS V253 Varieties of Hindu Tradition
            • RELS V254 Islamophobia & Its Media Coverage
            • RELS V260 Introduction to Islam
            • RELS V267 Native American Religions
            • RELS V277 Tibetan & Indian Religions
            • RELS V377 Buddhism Across Asia
          • RELS A396 Religious Studies Research Seminar
        • Major Elective requirement for 3 crs. Students choose one course on an eligible topic in consultation with their advisor. 
        • World Religion Electives for 12 crs. Students choose four courses on an eligible topic in consultation with their advisor. A minimum of two courses (6 crs) must be in Christianity (See * below). Possible course options include:
          • RELS *A215, A216, A236, *A255, A305, A310, *A368, A370, A400, A411, A441, A470, S230, *S247, *S249, *S251, *S252, *S270, *S285, *S330, *S343, S386, V222, V244, V253, V254, V260, V262, V265, V267, V222, V226, V228, V232, V234, V240, V246, V254, V277, V281, V327, V334, V377, *V396.
        • Adjunct courses - Language requirement: Religious Studies majors are required to complete 6 crs of language credit, up to the 201 level of proficiency. This requirement can be satisfied with courses in spoken languages like French or Spanish, or in classical languages like Greek or Latin. Students will complete a placement activity to begin the language sequence. Students who initially place into the 201 level of proficiency will have a modified language requirement of only 3 crs, with the additional 3 crs attributed to General Electives.  
        • General Electives: Religious Studies majors are required to complete 45 crs of general electives to complete the Bachelor of Arts program. Students can satisfy these requirements with any Loyola courses they are eligible to take which are not already required in the Loyola Core, Major, or Adjunct curriculums. For students pursuing a double major or an academic minor, the curriculum for those programs would be assigned from the credits required for General Electives.

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        Religious Studies programs - University Honors Program

        Participation in the University Honors Program is available to any eligible student pursuing an Religious Studies major. Students who meet Honors Program admission requirements can complete their preferred Religious Studies program with the Honors Curriculum taking the place of the Loyola Core and satisfying a major elective with RELS A499 Honors Thesis. The Honors Curriculum also impacts the number of credits required in the General Elective area.

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        Religious Studies Minor Programs

        Loyola students who are not already Religious Studies majors can add a Religious Studies minor to their curriculum. Curriculum for Religious Studies minors require 18 credit hours taken as part of or in addition to the General Electives area of a student’s undergraduate program, but courses used to satisfy requirements in an academic major cannot also be used to satisfy requirements in a Religious Studies minor program. Successful completion of an academic minor requires a 2.0 GPA or higher for all courses.

        The Religious Studies Department offers the following academic minor programs: 

        • Religious Studies - Christian Theology minor: Students complete 18 credit hours of Religious Studies coursework with a 2.0 GPA. Requirements include: 
          • RELS S242 Christian Ethics
          • RELS S247 New Testament as Literature
          • RELS S249 Old Testament as Literature
          • Christianity electives: students complete 9 crs (three courses) from the list of eligible Christianity-focused courses, in consultation with their advisor Christianity electives include:
            • RELS A215, A216, A224, A236, A255, A300, A305, A315, A320, A350, A354, A358, A368, A370, A396, A400, A417, A441, A470, S220, S222, S225, S230, S236, S238, S242, S245, S247, S249, S251, S252, S270, S285, S330, S332, S336, S337, S339, S343, S344, S348, S358, S364, S386, S388, S483, V325, or V396
        • Religious Studies - Religion and Media minor: Students complete 18 credit hours of Religious Studies & Mass Communications coursework with a 2.0 GPA. Requirements include: 
          • CMMN A100 Introduction to Mass Communication
          • RELS V244 Religion, Media, & Culture
          • Choose four courses (12 crs) from the following list: 
            • RELS A370 Religion & Media
            • RELS S230 Bible in the Media
            • RELS V222 Secularism & Religious Discrimination
            • RELS V254 Islamophobia & Its Media Coverage
            • RELS V262 New Religions and Media
            • RELS V327 Religion in the News
        • Religious Studies - World Religions minor: Students complete 18 credit hours of Religious Studies coursework with a 2.0 GPA. Requirements include: 
          • World Religion electives: students complete 15 crs (five courses) from the list of eligible World Religion-focused courses, in consultation with their advisor. Possible courses include:
            • RELS A215, A216, A222, A236, A255, A305, A310, A368, A370, A400, A411, A417, A441, A470, S230, S247, S249, S251, S252, S285, S343, S386, V222, V226, V228, V253, V254, V260, V265, V267, S270, V232, V234, V240, V246, V262, V277, V281, V283, V325, V334, V377, V396
          • Christianity elective: Students must complete a minimum of 3 crs (one course) from the list of eligible Christianity-focused courses, in consultation with their advisor. Possible courses include:
            • RELS A215, A255, A305, A368, A396, A400, S247, S249, S251, S252, S270, S285, S330, S343, V396
          • At least one course must be an A-level (non-Loyola Core) course. 

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        Bachelors & Masters Dual Degree

        This program is in the process of discontinuation.

        Loyola students pursuing the Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies - Christian Theology program have the option to complete either a Master of Pastoral Studies or a Master of Religious Education as a dual degree program offered through a partnership between the Department of Religious Studies and the Loyola Institute for Ministry. Details on this collaborative program can be found in the Graduate Bulletin.

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